Chapter Four

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A/N: okay it starts to get interesting now! wooo. (well I hope you all think so anyway) please vote and comment! :)

3 Months Later

Ivy smiled reading the text she had received.
'Morning beautiful, I've got work all day today so probably won't be able to talk. Will message when I can though, enjoy your day off xxxx'

She stretched out before eventually getting out of bed. She had been talking to Ash for over 3 months now, and she was definitely glad. They'd gotten really close. They had stayed up texting for so many nights she couldn't even remember. She had told him things that a lot of other people didn't know and he opened up to her to. They'd also played Xbox together alot. They'd managed to play at least 3 times a week, sometimes with the other 3 guys but mainly just those two.

One night, Ivy thought that she'd annoyed him. She'd asked if they could meet sometime soon and he hadn't replied until the following morning. They text simply said 'maybe.'

She was also starting to get annoyed with the fact that he wouldn't Skype with her or even join an Xbox live party. He would always dodge the subject or make some excuse that he had to go and do something. She was starting to get suspicious. She'd gotten so close to him though that at this point she didnt even care what he looked like though, unless he was a 90 year old peadophile. That would of course change things.

Ivy walked through the kitchen and made some chocolate pop tarts for breakfast. It was a good job Nova was already at work or she would be whinging about how she needed to have a proper breakfast.

The day passed pretty slowly. Ivy managed to clean the kitchen, do some washing and play a couple of rounds of Zombies before Nova came home from work.

"Hey can I talk to you please?" Nova asked sounding worried.

"Yeah sure what's up?" Ivy replied in a curious tone.

"You know that Ash guy? I thought you said he didn't have Facebook?" Nova asked.

"Well, he said that he didn't." Ivy replied feeling a little hurt.

"Oh ok, well I found this earlier on break when I was scrolling through. One of my friends liked this persons picture and because my phone hates me it pressed on his profile picture, I was about to press the back button when I realised I recognised the picture. I couldn't think where from until I was walking home though. Its Ash's twitter picture."

"Oh, why would he not give me his Facebook? I get that we didn't know each other that well before when I first asked, but why not when we got closer?" She started ranting.

"It gets worse." Nova stated. "It says he's in a relationship."

Ivy's stomach dropped.

Maybe that was why he wouldn't Skype, or talk on Xbox, maybe his girlfriend was always there when she asked. She started getting a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. How could he talk to her the way he was, when he had a girlfriend?!

"What am I going to do?" Ivy asked, burying her head in her hands. "I can't keep talking to him if he has a girlfriend!"

"I don't know. Maybe slip asking him if he has facebook in again, and if he says no, say you think someone's impersonating him on there and that you thought you'd let him know. See what he says to that?"

This is why she loved Nova. She was crafty when she needed to be.

Ivy waited and waited until Ash text her. Eventually as she had given up and was going to bed, he did. It took all of her strength not to just call him out right there and then.

'Hey, random question.. Did you decide to join the 21st century and make a Facebook yet? Lol xxxx'
'No, why?' He replied around 10 minutes later.
'Oh, well Nova was on Facebook earlier and we think someone's using your picture and name.'

Again, Ivy was waiting ages for a reply. Eventually she had fallen asleep.

She woke up to her alarm for work beeping next to her.

"Oh crap." She muttered to herself.

She looked down and realised she was still fully dressed. Ivy quickly changed ready for work and checked her phone. Still no reply.

Admitting defeat she grabbed some breakfast before heading to work.

Work dragged on slowly, and she couldn't wait for it to be over. She was desperate to talk to Nova. The hours crawled by and eventually she was allowed to leave.

Ivy pretty much ran home.

"I don't know what to do Nova, he didn't reply when I said about someone impersonating him. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. I should have just left it! Ughhh." She ranted when she'd sat down.

"Yeah but you needed to know. It says he has a girlfriend. That's not fair on you. I know full well you like this boy. He's all you talk about. If you aren't talking about him, you are waiting for me to mention him so that you can!" Nova basically shouted.

"Maybe." Ivy replied quietly.

The truth was that she did have feelings for him, and she wasn't sure how to handle it. They had so much in common, and he was the first person in a very long time that she'd actually had true feelings for since her ex boyfriend messed her about a year earlier.

He had emotionally abused her, cheated on her and taken her for all the money he could, and he'd always blame her. Thanks to Nova, she'd managed to get out. It still haunted her, and made it hard for her to get close to people. So it was a rare thing that she had actually let Ash in.

Ivy's phone beeped in her pocket and she was quick to retrieve it. She almost dropped it in the rush of trying to read the text. Nova hadn't exactly helped the situation.

"What does it say, oh my god, hurry up woman." She whined.

"I'm sorry." Ivy read aloud. "What does that even mean?! Sorry for what?"

She quickly responded.

'For what? I don't care if you didn't want to have me on your Facebook? The only thing that worries me is the fact you have a girlfriend x'

20 minutes passed before she received a reply.

'I don't have a girlfriend'
'So why does your Facebook say that you do?'

Ivy was getting angry now, he'd been found out. He just needed to accept it.
'That's not my facebook'

'So someone is impersonating you?'

She was getting more and more confused.

'Then what the hells going on?!'
'I'm not Ash.'
'If you're not Ash, who are you?!'

She anxiously waited for a reply, tears rolling down her face. She'd been lied to by whoever this person was. She opened up and now they weren't even who they said were. Who was it? Who had she let in? She felt sick again. Enemies she had made ran through her head. Was this someone playing a sick joke?

Her phone beeped and sent her heart racing. Her hands shaking was making it difficult to open the text, mixed with the fact she was too scared of the answer.

Nova grabbed her phone and did it for her.

"You might wanna read this Ivy." She said, handing the phone over.

Ivy took the phone and read the text she had received. She felt as if her heart had skipped a beat as she read the words.
'Michael Clifford.'

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