Chapter Twenty Five

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A/N: I'm baaaack bitchesssss. So yeah, new chapter wooo. Sorry it took me a while. I'm back at Uni, and I'm supposed to doing an assignment on Sigmund Freud, but hey, I'd rather write about Michael Clifford. Enjoy! Please comment and vote, it makes me so so happy when you do! I want to know how I'm doing. Love you! 

It had been a couple of weeks since the photos had been taken and put onto Twitter. Ivy had been paranoid every single day that someone would suddenly recognise her, but so far it had only been Daisy, and so far she'd kept up the deal. Ivy had told her everything. 

Ivy and Michael were both slowly moving on from their loss. It helped that Michaels manager had told people not to ask about the pictures at interviews, and Michael just ignored fans when they asked, mainly so he didn't get into trouble. The last thing he needed was to flip out at a fan. Especially with the Good Girls being released that night. 

The boys were all pumped, and basically jumping around Ivy and Novas living room with excitement. It was 8:45pm and they were extremely excited to be releasing it. Ivy and Nova had been to the preview of it they did at the studio, and they were definitely impressed. Ivy thought it was the best one yet, although she was kind of bias though seen as how Michael looked, in his own words, 'sexy as fuck'. She did have to agree though, and she defintely showed him how sexy he was after when they'd gotten back to the flat, much to Nova's annoyance, which she had made very clear the next morning. 

15 minutes had passed, and they boys were anxiously refreshing Youtube. Their manager had told them that it would be posted at 9pm, and then they could share it to their personals from there. Luke pretty much squealed when it was finally uploaded. They all shared it as quickly as they could, before sitting back and watching the tweets roll in. Michael read through the first he could see and they were all basically about him looking hot. He read one aloud to the group.

'Wow Clifford is looking fiiine.'

"As if you didnt have a big enough head already." Nova laughed. 

"Hey, they cant help telling him the truth." Ivy replied, recieving an eye roll from her. 

Ashton was back up and jumping around.

"I knew they'd love it!" He exclaimed.

"I dont know how many tweets I can read that say 'sweet sweet lemonade'. Why did I say that?" Luke moaned. 


"Will you come home with me?" Michael asked breathlessly. 

She knew he was going home with the other guys in a couple of days, but she had tried not to think about it too much. She had no idea how long he was even going back for. She'd done well to block it out, and know he'd thrown that question into the mix all the feelings were bubbling up, threatening to be released. 

"What a random thing to say after sex." Ivy laughed.

"I know, but I've been meaning to ask it for a while. I just didn't know when to." He admitted. 

"Fuck it. Why not? It'll be nice to get away from everything for a while." 

Michael beamed at her and jumped off the bed, pulling her up with him. 

"Michael Gordon Clifford, can you fucking not? I am very naked right now and the curtains are open." She squealed. 

"You have no idea how sexy that was, full naming me and swearing in the same sentence." He told her, pulling her close and kissing her roughly again. 

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