Chapter Twelve

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Ivy woke up to the sound of her alarm, and mentally scolded herself for not changing the alarm tone last night.

Kiss Me Kiss Me was blaring from her phone as loud as it could go. She quickly got herself up and jumped to the table to turn it off.

"Hey, don't turn that off I like that loser band." Michael said in a husky voice that made her want to drop her pants right there. "What time is it?"

"7:30, I've gotta get up for work." She answered.

"Ugh, too early. Make it stop."

"You can go back to sleep if you really want. I'll be leaving here about 8:30 though and Novas already left because she's on an early shift."

"I can walk you to work if you want? I mean I'd need to steal a hoodie because I left all my stuff either on the bus or in my bag that the boys took to the hotel."

"Um, yeah if you want. That'd be great. I hate walking on my own." She smiled.

Ivy flicked the TV over that was still in the Netflix screen, and put the news on before walking into her bedroom to get ready. She shoved the clean uniform on that she'd placed out ready and put on her badge. She applied her eyeliner then tried to tame her hair. In the end she just brushed it and put it all up with just her fringe sticking out. After quickly grabbing her usual hoodie, she went through her wardrobe looking for one for Michael. She picked up one that was grey with the Green Day logo on the front right hand side.

Ivy took the hoodie to Michael then went to the kitchen to make them some breakfast. She chose to make bacon sandwiches for them both. Before long the smell of bacon was wafting through the flat and she was placing the sandwiches onto plates.

"Sorry to be rude but do you have anything else? Im a vegetarian." Michael asked politely.

"Um, what, sorry I didn't even think... Wait. You brought pepperoni pizza last night?"

"Yeah I know, I'm joking. Calm down." He laughed.

She threw the tea towel she was holding straight at his face but he managed to catch it in time. He quickly rolled it up and started to walk towards her. Figuring out what he was doing she pulled another tea towel out of the drawer and followed suit. As soon as she'd done that, he was trying to get her legs with the towel. She tried to get him back but he ran away. They ended up chasing each other around the kitchen and living room, laughing the whole time. Michael managed to get her a few times on the back of legs and finally got her on the bum. After sulking for a few minutes she recovered and tried to get him back unfortunately for her she tripped up over her feet. Michael caught her and pulled her close. They were staring into each others eyes for what felt like an eternity, when Michael tilted his head towards hers. Her lips parted in approval and he made his move. He kissed her softly to start witth until she gained more confidence and deepened the kiss. With that, she tugged at the back his hair. They moved backwards, not removing their lips from one another until Ivy was leaning against the washing machine. Michael moved his lips from hers onto her neck. Her breath was ragged, her heart was racing and she couldn't even form a coherent thought. Until she saw the kitchen clock.

"Fuck." She said gently pushing him away.

"What's up? Sorry am I moving too fast? Shit."

"No, that was definitely not a problem. I'm gonna be late for work. Its 8:30, I need to leave."

"Well eat your sandwich first and then we can go okay? I need a minute anyway."

"What, why-" She stopped abruptly when she realised why.

"Yeah, men kinda have this problem. Women are lucky, you don't have to deal with these." He said, gesturing to his crotch.

Ivy couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips. Although it did make her feel amazing that she'd just given Michael Clifford a boner.

They both rushed their sandwiches and left the flat.

"Everything um.. under control now?" Ivy tried not to laugh.

"Yeah, no thanks to you." He joked.

"Hey, you started it."

"And you loved it."

"Maybe." She blushed again.

"I'm sorry about that though, I know that I'm pushing my luck. We've only just met properly and I'm pulling that shit."

"Its okay. We're consenting adults, and I was more that consenting."

She threw her hands over her mouth as if trying to stop the words.

"That came out really slutty. I'm not a slut. I mean I'm not a virgin either, but I don't just go around throwing my cat at everyone."

"Throwing your cat? What?" Michael erupted into fits of laughter.

"Clearly I need to make you watch Easy A."

They reached her work quicker than she expected, and had to say their goodbyes.

"Do you wanna do something again sometime soon? Like tonight?" He asked.

"Um yeah, sure I'm off again tomorrow because I booked the day off after the concert but still get my usual days off to, and I'm rambling. Basically yes."

"We could go to the arcades again? Or is there something else to do here?"

"Well there's a cinema?"

"Ooh, that sounds like a good plan. Theres so many films I want to see right now. Okay, well text me when you finish work and we can go from there."

"Awesome." She nodded.

"Okay well I better let you get to work, and I need to call the car to come get me."

"Bleugh, I don't wanna go to work, I wanna go back to bed."

"I know, but you have to. I'm already a bad influence, I don't want to get you fired as well."

He leaned in and gave her a soft kiss before telling her goodbye.

"See ya later Poison Ivy." He winked before grabbing his phone and making a call.

She headed in doors and had one last glance at Michael, only to find him staring right back. She smiled and walked through the door to start her day at work. She knew all she'd be thinking about is later with Michael.

A/N: please vote and comment! :)

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