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Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I got to ring the bell the. checked out of the hospital this morning and took what was left of my belongings into Anthony's place. I was ready to start everything all over again, but there was one thing I needed to do first.

I promised a certain little girl that the first thing I would do when I got out of here was hang out with her. I promised to go out in the real world with her and that's just what I'm going to do. So I decided to call up Tiffany and her family and see if she wanted to go to a day game at Wrigley and hang out on the field afterwards. Play some catch and take a bunch of cute pictures at one of the most historic professional stadiums there was.

So I meet up with them at the gates and they let us in a little early. Anthony gives us a tour of the beautiful field and Tiffany was in awe of the place. She had on a little Rizzo jersey and a blue bow in her growing hair. She was the most adorable thing in the world and I was in love with her. She's the biggest reason I want kids.

As I walk around with Anthony's hand in mine she comes up beside me and slips her hand in my free one. I smile down at her as she smiles back up at me. I feel my heart skip as she squeezes my hand like I always do to Anthony's.

We finish up the tour before Anthony gives me a kiss and he goes off to change and get ready for the game. We head out to get some Chicago dogs and find our seats. We sit there and I just smile as she sun beats down on my skin. I missed this.

"How are you enjoying the free life" Tiffany's mom Amy asks and I just shake my head.

"It's crazy. I lived the same life for 21 years then all the sudden I wasn't. And now I'm living again but it's a whole different life" I admit.

"What are your plans" she wonders and I laugh.

"So much. I'm hoping to do summer school so I can graduate in August and finally graduate. Then get a degree and start working with a sports team. Maybe get back into playing volleyball if someone still wants me" I shrug.

"I know they for sure do. They talk about you all the time on Tiffany's volleyball team. And I know that things are different, but you don't lose knowledge or talent. Not even cancer is strong enough to take that from you" she insists.

"I'm just gonna take it slow. I haven't ran in years and haven't even looked at a volleyball. In a perfect world I would be ready to possibly play in the Olympics but that's 2 years and whole world away. A lot can happen between now and then" I say.

"Well our family is rooting for you. I wouldn't imagine getting out of that hospital with my daughter as happy as she was if it wasn't for you. She idolizes you, she has a bunch of your college pictures up in her room. I couldn't imagine trying to fight that cancer without you. I just wanted to say thank you in behalf of my family. We like to think of you as a big part of it" she claims.

"I've always wanted a sister" I tease and she laughs.

"How has your family been" she wonders.

"A lot as usual. They miss seeing Tiffany though. Randall asks about her all the time" I insist. He was our family man, that's for sure.

"Well we would love to see them all again" she insists.

"They would love that too" I smile.

We sit through a pretty fun baseball game and enjoyed the nice weather and excited fans. The Cubs actually end up winning which was a nice surprise. We wait for everyone to leave and eventually Anthony comes out and grabs us. We go down to the field and Tiffany and her parents play catch on the field. Anthony and I sit back and watch as they make cute little memories they can keep with them forever.

"Did you enjoy the game" Anthony asks as he snakes his arm around me and I smile big.

"I did. You were amazing like always" I insist.

"Why thank you. Means a lot coming from you" he claims.

"What are your plans for the rest of the day" I wonder.

"I don't know. The possibilities are endless. I want to take you to the zoo and to the pier and on a boat. I want to take a shower or maybe take a trip to somewhere nice for the night. I want to start a family" he claims.

"You what" I ask.

"I mean... you know what I mean" he claims.

"I don't think I do" I admit.

"I just... I love you, a lot. And I don't want to think anything has changed because we had it so good. There isn't a damn thing I would want to change about the love we share.

But at the time so much has changed. We don't have to go back to the hospital, we can do whatever we want to now" he claims.

"And you want to start a family" I ask.

"I do" he whispers.

"Why are you acting like I'm going to be mad at you for saying that" I ask.

"Because I can't just assume that since you're with me you want to get married and I have kids. I know we talked about getting married and having kids before but so much has changed since then. I can't just assume you still feel the same way.

I mean, you basically just got released from holding back for two years and I just dropped a family bomb on you" he says.

"Then why don't you ask me how I feel" I question.

"I'm afraid you don't want the same things I do" he claims.

"Even if I didn't we can work through it. We're in a relationship and we're going to have to work through things sometimes. But I assure you I want to start a family with you. Maybe not this second but I wouldn't be in this relationship if I didn't have the intentions to be with you forever and have kids with you. But I'm here and for the first time since we've been together I can actually plan a future for us where were not in a hospital" I explain.

"So... when did you want to start a family" he wonders.

"Aren't you supposed to propose to me first" I tease and he laughs.

"Yeah. But just because I propose doesn't mean you will say yes" he claims.

"The answer is always yes" I insist.

He suddenly gets down on one knee and my eyes go big. He looks up at me before having a shit eating grin.

"I'm just messing with you" he claims and he stands back up. I playfully push his chest before he wraps his arms around me. "But I am going to marry you and we're going to have a family. I'm okay with waiting. I'll wait forever for you" he claims.

"We're not going to wait forever. But I do want to figure my life out first. You know, a lot changes when you're fighting for your life for two years then suddenly get released one day" I insist.

"Is there anything I can do to help" he wonders.

"Just keep holding me" I beg.

"That I can do."

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