46- muggel music #8

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*this has been my fav song for like a year now so Finally decided to do a one shot to it*


Everywhere Harry went he kept hearing the same hum of what seems both a happy and a sad song by the sound of it according to Harry.

First time he heard it was in potion last week as everyone was cleaning up their stations and immediately feel in love with the tune he quickly turned but the sound was already gone and Harry just went back to work not thinking much on it and left the potions classroom quickly as possible.

Next time he heard it was a couple days later as he and Ron were walking down the crowded streets of hogsmade he stopped in his tracks remembering the tune from before and whipped around but the sound was fading away as the person walked away but he didn't know which one it was. He narrowed it down to one of the Slytherins seeing as they were the ones on that street at the time, harry then decided he would figure out who it was humming and what song it was if it was the last thing he did.

He heard it again later on the very next day as they walked down the hall to dinner. They had walked by A group of around 10 slytherin and harry, once again turned and listened to the retreating melody as best as possible and decided it was defiantly a male humming this time which narrowed it down to maybe 7.

A week passed and Harry had only heard the hum on one other occasion while in herbolgy but was still no closer to finding out who was humming the tune or even what the song was called and decided it was a useless mission to find out who the mystery boy was humming the soft melody.

Harry lied in bed on his back at 11pm thinking about everything and anything, the up coming quidditch game against Ravenclaw to Sirius' death as he looked up at the blank white ceiling, not that he could even see it as it was the middle of the night and he was the only one left awake. He remembered the song or tune was more like it that he kept hearing randomly throughout hogwarts and silently sighed sitting up on his bed knowing he wasn't going to get any sleep anytime soon with everything he had on his mind so he decided to take a walk around the castle to clear it hoping it would help him fall asleep.

Harry stood up in the pitch black darkness of the Gryffindor dorms and patted his bedside table looking for his wand and glasses, once he found them both he placed the glasses on his face and wand in pocket after Accioing the marauders map and grabbing his cloak to make sure he wasn't caught after all he was pretty sure filtch was out tonight. He as quickly and quietly as possible sneaked out the dorms into the common room then out into the halls where he threw the cloak over his head and started walking up the stairs to where no real place in mind keeping an eye out for mrs Norris.


Draco had spent the last few weeks learning how to play a new song after all he had finished the song he believed was by a muggle artist as well named Elvis called 'can't help falling in love'. He quite liked it which was why he had learned it so soon and was already trying to learn this new one.

From all the practicing he has been doing in the room or requirement the song had begun to grow on him, he has had it stuck in his head all week and it was driving him insane no matter how much he liked the song.

A week later and he had finally done it, he had got it, he had memorized how to play the song on the piano and all the lyrics as well! Without even meaning to remember the lyrics they just seemed to flow, it may have been because of how many times he had to listen to it or it may have been because their true, for someone reason he felt like they were from him or meant for him in a way he couldn't describe.

Draco lied in bed a couple hours later but couldn't fall asleep, he was to busy thinking about what song he should learn next which was kinda hard to do as you also had another song you've already learned stuck in you head. He groans softly knowing it's hopeless and decides to head out to the halls wanting to clear his mind and finally find a new song to learn.

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