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Sting was in shock, wasn't Kagura suppose to meet with Minerva and Yukino?

He gritted his teeth, he had nothing against her, but the fact that she hurt Rogue and put him through all that mess really pissed him off.

He straighten in his chair and looked off out the window. His neck muscles flexed and a vein stuck out, the always easy-going Sting trying to control his anger. He listened closer to where Kagura's footsteps led to...

Closer.... Louder....

He prayed in his head that she would not talk to him or be even ten feet near him.

"Hello Sting.."

Sting took a breath through his nostrils and exhaled. He slowly turned his head and he faced the stoic woman's slim waist, trying to avoid her face.

"My face is up here...."

Sting huffed and transcended his eyes into those golden orbs of hers.

she really does have nice eyes

Sting shook his head.

"Well, what is it.... I mean... What's up?"

"I know you're angry with me."

"Really? I mean Rogue is a really good friend but I can't hold anything against you, it's none of my business."

"Hmph, don't play stupid. I know you like him."

Sting's words got caught in his throat. That completely threw him off.

He looked Kagura dead in the eye, but her face was still the same.

The blue-eyed male furrowed his brows, crossing his muscular arms and frowning, he couldn't lie out of that one.

"So what if I do?"

Kagura bent over and sat across from Sting. The purple-haired woman placed her purse on the smooth table and turned to face the white dragonslayer.

"Look, there's something I need to tell you."

"I don't really care, I'm not mad at you okay? Yes. I like him, but I didn't mean to intimidate you or anyth-"

"It's not about that."

Sting lifted a eyebrow and his arms dropped to his sides, he had a look of confusion spread across his face. The confused teen tilted his head forward.

"Well.. What is it?"

"I lied to Rogue. I wasn't completely honest with him."


The strain in his voice made Kagura's eye soften, she was deeply sorry for hurting Rogue.

"But the thing was, he wasn't honest himself."

"What are you talking about?"

"You see..... I had a feeling Rogue wasn't completely in love with me."

"What the hell? He was head over heels for you!"

"Maybe... But he..."

"He did what Kagura, talk to another female? Compliment another one? You have to be kidding me. Rogue is faithful, and for you to dare assume him otherwise I can't bring myself to talk to you any more."

Sting stood himself up and began to storm off.

So much anger was building inside of him. He tensed, taking deep breaths and shaking his head muttering under his breath.

Suddenly he felt Kagura grab him by the wrist.

Kagura was shocked to find that the same kind ocean blue eyes that was staring at her turned into dark cold ones. Kagura gulped, but stood her ground.

"One night..... I snuck into Rogue's house. I was ready to.... Just let myself go with him, I was in love with him you see...."

Sting turned around fully, his face still in a scowl. What the hell is she trying to explain?

"So I went inside his room, and he was asleep, he was muttering something, but I hadn't take notice of it. So I began feeling on him and touching him and all that, and he was getting aroused.

I thought he was awake by then.... And as I began to take off his shirt he...."

Kagura's voice began to crack, she placed her hand over her racing heart, she shut her eyes from the tears, and was quiet for a good minute.

Sting began to get impatient.

"He what? Why are you telling me this?"

Kagura's eyes turned dull.

"He began moaning your name.

He kept saying to 'continue Sting.'

'Oh Sting.' 'Yes Sting.'"

Sting was speechless.

"I was just as surprised as you are now..... I couldn't believe..... But that's what I wanted to tell you. And I guess you feel the same. I'm sorry for my harshness to Rogue, but I was heartbroken. He's in love with you, Eucliffe. He always has. He actually used to say your name in his sleep. But I took it lightly. After that I knew...

That it was all just a joke.

A slap in my face.

That's all I wanted to say."

Kagura let out a few tears and brushed past Sting, exiting ColdStone.



Not a fucking word..

What the hell...

The blonde felt dizzy. He held his head as he was having a headache.

He felt like an asshole.

An idiot.

Rogue, oh god Rogue.

Sting held on to the table, his sight getting blurry.

What the fuck did Kagura just tell him?

Is Rogue really in love with Sting?

Sting's breathing began to quicken... His heart beating out of his chest and sweat began to build up on his skin.

This was too much, it all didn't make sense to him.

That would mean Rogue caused the break-up himself.

Because all this time..... Deep down inside... He had liked Sting.

Tears began falling down his face.

Why didn't he tell him?

What the fuck is going on through his head?

How could he?

Before Sting could even figure out everything that was going on,

He felt his body go limp. He watched as he began to fall slowly onto the floor.

Soon it was black.

Me and My Broken Heart [Stingue fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora