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It's been two days....

I can finally see you....

Please... Be okay.....

After Rogue was put into the ER, Sting had gotten a call from the hospital, saying that he would have to wait and let the doctors do the best they could, to try to save Rogue.

Sting was losing his mind.

He was lifeless, he didn't talk at all.

He never smiled, although it's only been two days, everyone took it as years.

No one was able to contact, hear about, or even look at Rogue.

The nurses had told them no one was allowed to visit Rogue, and he still needed time.

Sting was angry.

Why couldn't he see him? Why??!

What if he was...... And they just were trying to hide it.

What the fuck were they doing?!

Sting had gotten kicked out the second day, he ran inside and bursted trough the halls, knocking over patients and doctors, not even knowing where Rogue's room was. It was all in vain. Security had gotten to him and shoved him out of the building.

Sting was in the lobby, along with Rufus, Orga, Minerva, Yukino, and Kagura and Lector.

Sting hadn't seen Frosch, well she walked in with them.... But she disappeared after.

Where was Frosch?

Sting was worried about the exceed, but he was thinking she's probably at the baby nursery,

She loved playing with newborns.

There were flowers and stuffed animals everywhere, from Fairy Tail, Lamia Scale, and many other guilds.

Everyone was quiet, not even knowing what to say.

There was a dull aura around the crowd.

Sting was sitting alone on the couch, and eyed everyone who was there, and he looked at Kagura.


Sting furrowed his eyebrows, remembering Kagura's run in at his house after she heard of Rogue.

After Rogue's attempted suicide, Kagura had went to Sting's house. He was drinking, while Lector was trying to stop him and calm him down.

Kagura banged on the blonde's door, and Sting swung it open.

His eyes flared as he saw her.

He went psychotic, yelling and lashing out on her, saying it was her fault. He even nearly hit her.

But she stopped him, holding him in her arms, crying and telling him it was okay, and she was sorry, but soon Sting was the one apologizing, sobbing on her shirt, his drunk behavior fading away.

Sting sighed, and felt a lump in his chest.

Kagura felt just as horrible.

As if it was her fault too.

But it wasn't.

It was all Sting's.

But now they can see Rogue.

The doctors had called everyone, saying the could now visit him.

That was it.

They didn't even say if he was alive or not.

But Sting couldn't think like that.

The anticipation was killing him.

He wanted to see Rogue again,

He wanted to apologize.

He wanted to hug him.

He wanted to kiss him.

He wanted to wrap him in his arms.

Tell him he was wrong,

He didn't meant any of that.

He had not seen the shadow dragon slayer for too long.

They were always at each others side, even before their love blossomed.

Sting had a box of Rogue's favorite snacks and treats, along with a bouquet of roses.

He gritted his teeth.

What if Rogue.... Wasn't back to normal.

He couldn't be... since it took two days to heal him.

Sting had a lump in his throat, praying in his head that the damage wasn't too great.

As some minutes passed, a nurse had walked in, getting everyone's attention. Soon everybody stood up, Sting walking towards the nurse.

"Hello, Rogue Cheney?"

The nurse eyed the crowd, then she stared at Sting.


"Well, the closest person who is associated with Rogue, like a brother, mother, father, can visit him first. Then you all shall follow."

Minerva was the one to snap.

"Rogue doesn't have any parents, we're all his family right here."

"Yes, and in my memory Sting is his boyfriend."


He didn't deserve that title....

Not after.....

Sting took another step and just went along with it.

"I take it you're Rogue's boyfriend then?"

The brunette nurse eyed Sting with suspicion.

"Yes, can I see him now?"

His voice was strained and rushed, his eyes pleading.

Suddenly the nurse's face was washed over with sudden sadness, tears began falling down her eyes and she bit her lip.

"There's something I should tell you before y-you go...."

Everyone was silent.

Sting couldn't believe it.




Sting shoved passed the nurse, panic across his face. He began running through the doctors with everyone else calling behind him.


Sting couldn't wait any longer.

Oh my God what happened to Rogue.

He ran through and grabbed a nurse by the collar, holding the box and bouquet under his free arm.


The nurse cowered and pointed towards a door, with Rogue's name written on a white board.

He let the nurse go and ran.

He ran as fast as he could.

He stopped, hesitating before viscously turning the doorknob opening the door.

What he saw stunned him.

He gasped, tears falling out of his eyes.

He dropped the box and the bouquet.

This can't be fucking real....

Me and My Broken Heart [Stingue fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now