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*another chapter like I promised YOLO enjoy and comment etc lol I love you guys

"Let it go Rogue"

Rogue finally was back in reality. He was in the same position, FRogue lending out his hand towards him with the shadow besides him.

Rogue stared at FRogue, and he scowled, he put his hand down, moving it away from the evil man.

"You're wrong."

The long haired male and the silhouette stared at the raven, and FRogue extended his eyes.

"You naive fool."

Rogue smirked and took a deep breath

"Roar.. Of the.... White..."

"W-what are you?!"

"Shadow dragon!"

Suddenly FRogue and the silhouette stared in fear as a bright light erupted from the male's mouth.

Soon a bright ray of light came from Rogue, black swirls spinning around from it showing a spectacular sight.

The combination of the shadows and light, in the right way.

FRogue snarled and dodged the attack, but the shadow was too late.

It hissed loudly, screaming in pain as it was tearing away, it's body becoming disfigured in the light.

Soon it was gone,

And nothing was left.

Rogue panted as he fell to his knees, the heavy attack took a lot of energy from him.

FRogue stared madly at Rogue, his power radiating from him in complete anger.

"How did you......."

Rogue merely stood up and smirked in response, infuriating the white-shadow mage even more.

Soon FRogue lunged at him desperately, his hand a black swirl of his shadow magic. Rogue barely dodged it, and kicked the man in the head.

FRogue fell back, and extended his arm up as he fell, grabbing Rogue by the ankle and causing the other to fall.

Rogue quickly gained his balance and Rogue began to run to get a good distance from the man.

"Don't you dare run away!"

FRogue suddenly formed a shadow-sword on his hand, and threw it harshly at Rogue.

The blade stabbed Rogue deeply in the hip.

Rogue cried out in pain, falling to the ground and holding his hip as blood violently was coming out of him.

Future Rogue smirked, walking over and began socking Rogue's face repeatedly, his fist connecting with the other's face with tremendous force.

"You... Naive.... Fool.. You ... Should've... Gave in!"

Rogue's face was bloody by then, and FRogue was in complete bliss.

He laughed loudly looking at the broken present of himself.

Rogue weakly coughed, his face nearly unrecognizable. He pathetically tried to lift himself up as Frogue was cackling, and he weakly tried to punch him.

Future Rogue saw this and turned into a shadow, moving around Rogue at an incredible speed. Rogue watched, feeling himself going into blackness.

FRogue turned into his human form and was in the air, a swirl of shadow and white magic in his hand, aiming to throwing it; the finishing move.

Rogue tensed and gathered the rest of his strength.

He took a enormous breath and arched his back, and he braced himself.

"Roar of the white-shadow dragon!!!!!!!"

Another white ray with shadow swirls aimed towards FRogue at an unbelievable rush.

The other was too late to dodge it, and soon he was being swallowed up by the light.

As the light disappeared Rogue watched as he saw his future-self fall to the ground in the air, his body scarred and broken.

Rogue weakly stood, and trembled, feeling himself falling as well.

He heard as his body hit the ground simultaneously with the others.








Rogue slowly awoken, feeling the familiar atmosphere.

He sprung up, finding himself on the floor in his room.

He made it.... He actually made it.

Rogue stood up, feeling rejuvenated.

He ran to his mirror to look at himself, he looked spotless.

As Rogue looked around the house he concluded Sting hadn't made it home yet.

Rogue shuddered.

He did it.....

They shouldn't bother him anymore...

He's free.....

He's free.

Rogue hung his head low, deep in thought and shaking his head in disbelieve.

He felt completely different, he was in doubt though, because he felt the shadow could still come back.

Rogue sighed and closed his eyes, slow tears streaming down his face.

He held his breathe, praying that he was actually free.

Rogue remembered Sting again, and felt the urge to be with him.

Rogue felt in great debt to the blonde.

He had put him through so much.....

The memories of Sting kept replaying through Rogue's head, and he held his hand over his heart.


Later, a hour or two passed as Rogue waited in his room watching tv, still a little dazed from the event.

But he was okay he suppose, just a little lost without his other half. He was nearly falling asleep, and he felt rather lonely, wanting the white mage to come home already.

Rogue slowly stood up from his bed and walked to the mirror once again to look at himself once more.

He looked like how he did earlier,

still in Sting's shirt, his ponytail.....

"Cute" as he would call it:

Rogue stared at his reflection, still wondering if this was indeed reality.

It could be a illusion again for all he knew.

Or maybe he was dead.

He just felt a big hole in his mind.

Rogue's thoughts were interrupted; he heard the door knob turn, he immediately looked up, his face lighting up.

As he heard the door opened he began to run towards it,

Because he knows

who it is this time.

Me and My Broken Heart [Stingue fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now