New Future

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A complete void of darkness.

That was all that could be seen.

Suddenly Rogue opened his eyes, his body exhausted and finding himself was tied up.

Rogue woke up in confusion.

He was tied against a post, in some dark, gloomy room which was nothing but just concrete around him.

He looked up at his hands which were in chains connected to the post, he tried to move his hands but they were stuck.

His kidnapper used magic suppression cuffs on him.

Rogue growled, struggling to get himself free. He was a little embarrassed, seeing he was still in his apparel, Sting's shirt.

He gritted his teeth and tried his best to free himself, sadly it was all in vain.

Rogue didn't notice but there was a door in front of him, it turned open and the raven froze, his heart squeezing and his breathing stopped.

The person walked in was...

No doubt about it.



Future Rogue.

The tall long-haired man began to walk towards him, his cold red eyes making Rogue's own shrink in fear.

As he stepped closer, Rogue began to get nervous.

He began shaking, trying his best to look firm, unafraid, but this guy... He was getting under his skin.

Future Rogue suddenly stopped, a few steps from Rogue, and smirked. He kept staring at the defenseless present him, and his look of amusement soon faded away as he began to speak.

"Well, then. I finally got you."

Rogue hissed in response, thrashing himself, trying to break free from the chains. He soon was out of energy and he stopped panting, his counterpart shook his head in disgust.

Rogue stared at the future him in complete hatred, using all his might to break away from the chains, but he couldn't, he felt himself grow weaker and weaker as time passed on.

"Where am I?" He said his voice hoarse, tinted with a lick of fear, he tried so hard to desperately hide. No one could ever see through Rogue when he tried to play bold but himself , but the ironic thing was, his counterpart knew. He knew he was afraid. He was him after all.

And that made everything worse.

"You're merely in a state of unconsciousness, you're trapped in your mind."

Rogue furrowed his eyebrows,

"What do you mean? Didn't you..."

"It was a illusion. Illusion magic.

See, you're right here, sound asleep."

Future Rogue waved his hand and a blurry image appeared in the air, it was... Him. Sprawled out on the floor, he looked mighty peaceful, even comfortable.

Rogue stared in disbelief. Even the wall he was thrown upon was untouched.

Rogue shook away his astonishment and went back to the point.

"What are you trying do?!"

Future Rogue tch'd, looking at his present self.

"Well, we're going to wait for your boyfriend, and we're going to put a end to this "love" affair."

He made a face of disgust at Rogue, and the raven for some reason... Felt ashamed.

"You're going to watch us kill him, and you're going to succumb to the darkness."

Rogue shook his head and lashed out.

"Don't you dare! I'll kill you before you can lay a hand on him!"

The black and silver-haired male gave a wicked grin, he leaned his face towards the other and his eyes pierced into Rogue's soul.

"He doesn't love you."

Rogue found himself frozen, sudden doubts and fears began to fill his head. He felt tears stinging in his eyes, and Future Rogue cackled.

"It's true."

"Shut u-shut up! You know nothing!"

"You think you're special to him? You're not even his first."

Rogue's eyes widened, his cheeks tinted pink.

Future Rogue waved his hand, more images popping up, but this time, it was Sting in all of them, and in each one the blonde was with a different girl; his past relations.

Sting looked happy with each girl, on a date, or just walking, flirting.

Rogue's stomach twisted inside out, all those girls were beautiful, something to look at, the exact opposite of the shadow dragons layer, as he felt.

Rogue couldn't breathe.

Slowly tears began to stream down his face, as he looked at the floor, hearing more of his future self's evil laughter.

"You see? You're nothing. A waste of space."

Rogue slowly lifted his head, more tears spilling but he didn't care.

"H-he loves me."

"You don't even know what love is."

Future Rogue harshly socked Rogue in the gut, causing the raven to grunt loudly, his body aching in pain.

"I-I do...."

He said weakly.

"You don't know shit, you naive fool. Sting doesn't love you. He never has. Never will."

Rogue began to sob silently, trembling and making unknown sounds.

Future Rogue shook his head, staring at the shadow mage who was slowly breaking.

"Just let it go, let us take over..."

With that a black silhouette appeared beside Future Rogue.

The shadow.

Rogue stared as FRogue lent out his hand, and Rogue could feel himself tearing away....

From humanity.

From love.

From Sabertooth.

From Lector.

From Frosch.

From Sting.

Rogue stared at FRogue's hands, and he suddenly felt the chains around his wrist disappear. His hand fell slowly to his sides, his head hung low feeling lost about... Everything.

He had the urge to take his hand.

To fall into complete darkness

To become one with the main thing he was trying to separate from.

Rogue lifted his head to stare at the hand.

"To a new future..."

Both Future Rogue and the shadow bellowed.

Rogue lifted his hand up... Slowly reaching for the other.

His hands were centimeters away from FRogue's.....

This was it....

............... Goodbye.....




"I love you..."

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