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Sunrise drifted onto the sleeping twin dragons. The two were sound asleep, Rogue breathing softly and Sting snoring a little.

A couple of minutes passed after the rays of light passed through the windows and unto the sleeping males, and Sting was the first to awaken. Sting yawned and stretched, and turned to look at the unconscious shadow dragon slayer. The blonde smiled and nudged the raven, trying to wake him up.


The sleeping male was still unmoved. Sting lifted a eyebrow and placed a hand on his shoulder, and shook it lightly.


Rogue still didn't move, and Sting began to grow panic inside of him.

Sting placed his hands on Rogue's shoulders and began to shake him furiously.

"Rogue! Rogue wake up!"

In an instant Rogue's crimson eyes were revealed. Rogue blinked, nearly shocked to death, and the moment he laid his eyes on Sting, which a relieved smile was forming on his face, there was a crease in the raven's brows and he turned away on the bed, his back facing Sting.

Sting raised a eyebrow, inching closer to the other.



Sting reached a hand, barely touching Rogue's shoulder.



The male's tone was sassy. Sting gaped, staring at Rogue's back.

What did I do wrong?

Sting scooted closer, placing his hand under the covers and unto Rogue'a thigh, causing the male to slightly shudder.

"Rogue what's wrong?"

Rogue still didn't answer, and added another "humph".
Sting pursed his lips and tried to think of what's going on with the other twin dragon.

Then the thought came to him....

Last night.....

Sting smirked and pulled Rogue against him, the male tensed up.

"Oh... I see.... You're mad about last night, aren't you?"

Rogue shook his head madly, and Sting laughed.

"You're so stubborn."

"Why did you have to do that?!"

Sting began laughing louder,

"Didn't you like it?"

"D-don't talk to me."

Sting placed his chin on the others shoulder, smirking sheepishly.

"Oh come on Rogue."

Rogue moved forward, moving out of Sting's arms, and turned around sitting up and glared at him, blushing deeply.

"I-I wanted to please you! But you just had to have your fun huh??!"

Sting's eyes widened, and he bit his lip, he sat up, across from Rogue and grabbed the others hands.

"I-I'm sorry. Just seeing you and everything made me extremely horny Rogue! You gotta admit it was a first seeing you like..... That.... You looked amazing, and I can't control myself when I'm around you.."

Sting leaned closer as Rogue listened with a pout across his face. Sting closed his eyes and kissed the other's forehead softly.

"Yeah right."

Rogue frowned and Sting rolled his eyes, holding the others cheek and leaning towards his ear.

"I'll make it up to you, I'll make you breakfast, after we get cleaned, okay?"

Rogue had no other choice, he sighed and nodded his head slowly. Sting had a devilish smirk, and scooped Rogue in his arms, heading towards the bathroom.

Me and My Broken Heart [Stingue fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now