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Rogue leaned forward, he began to fall.

His eyes widened in fear, he couldn't believe it.

It was a very high fall, no way could he survive.

Rogue cried out, and tears flew from his eyes.

Just that moment, he felt something, coming out of him.

His body felt a piercing chill, and he opened his eyes as a black substance was released out of his chest.

The Shadow

Goodbye Rogue.

The shadow flew away, a evil laugh echoing in the air.

Rogue reached out for it, enraged.

He then realized,

He could move again.

He looked around, maneuvering in the air, but he found it was far too late.

He was too far out from being able to reach anything.

He then tried to use his shadow magic, but he couldn’t.

Shit, that shadow must’ve stole a grip of magic from him as he left

Rogue felt completely powerless.

He turned around, his back facing the ground.

The wind was heavy against him, sending goose bumps through his body.

He could soon hear the screams of people, stunned.

He knew he was close to ground.

Rogue shut his eyes, tears still managing to sneak out.

I guess this is it….

Sting….I love you.

Rogue was ready.

But he wasn’t.

He braced himself as he knew he was going to make impact



But he heard nothing.

He didn’t feel anything.

Was he dead now?

Rogue slowly opened his eyes

He was flying

He looked up to find Frosch carrying him.



Rogue clenched his teeth,

No way…

He looked to find Frosch was flying lower, over a field of grass


Rogue widened his eyes to find Sting was in midair, his arms wide open facing the direction of the two.

Frosch nodded, swinging Rogue back and tossed him

Rogue was lost as he was flying.

He tried to move but he was still too weak.

Soon he met with Sting, the blonde wrapping his arms around the stunned male.


Sting smiled, but soon realized he was falling.


Sting soon met ground, but the grass gave a soft fall.

He rolled with Rogue still in his arms and soon they stopped, Sting on top of Rogue, his arms on both side of the other looking down on him.

“Rogue! Are you okay?”

Rogue couldn’t breathe.

Sting….. saved him?

Rogue blushed deeply staring at the man on top of him.

He began crying.

Sting blinked and leaned his head towards Rogue’s kissing him softly.

“It’s okay, don’t cry anymore…”

Rogue closed his eyes in the kiss, as they separated he took a breath, trying to stop crying, so he just kept sniffling.

Sting smirked, touching his forehead with the others.

“Idiot, you’re such a mess.”

Me and My Broken Heart [Stingue fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now