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2 Weeks Later

Zoey's POV ~

"What's up, buttercup?" Ryan cheered as I walked into the kitchen, still in my pajamas.

"Nothing much, still tired from staying up too late watching movies. I'm ready to go over and help you guys with the other house, though," I answered.

"Nope, you're not allowed there anymore." Ryan said, shaking his head.

"Funny." I grumbled, rolling my eyes.

"It's not a joke, Chris said so last night. Why don't you ask him yourself?" Ryan asked me.

"Is that true?" I questioned Chris, who had just walked into the room a few seconds after me.

"Sort of, but it's all for good reasoning. You can still come today though, you'll just have to stay on the main floor, alright?" Chris told me.

"Why?" I wondered.

"I hate saying I said so, but for today, it's because I said so." Chris stated.

"Where's my little whore?" A voice called from the front door.

Ugh, Spencer.

"I'm not your whore." I rolled my eyes, as he found us in the kitchen and quickly wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh no?" Spencer gasped, trying not to laugh.

"I'm Chris' whore." I cooed, winking at Chris.

"Fuck yes." Chris cheered, holding his hand up for me.

We high fived and I swear I could hear Spencer and Ryan roll their eyes at that. I didn't care though, they could be annoyed by how silly Chris and I were with one another all they wanted.

"Alright, let's go." Balz said, clapping his hands together.

"Ready?" Chris asked me.

"Apparently so." I chuckled, as Spencer picked me up and cradled me in his arms.

Chris led the way out into the garage and Kuza, Ghost, Ricky, and Balz got into one car while I was put into the back seat of Chris' car with Spencer, and Ryan, as well as Chris, got into the front of the car.

"When the fuck will you go away for like a day so we can steal her from you? It'll only be for like a week!" Ryan groaned.

Chris simply laughed at that and shook his head.

"Never. Never, never, never." I playfully told him.

"Oh, you just wait, you little horny girl. We'll get you whipped into shape for Chris. You know he deserves only the best and most obedient girl. He shouldn't have to worry about training you on his wedding night." Ryan replied.

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