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Zoey's POV ~ 

"Promise me you're not mad or too upset with me?" Chris asked, grabbing his car keys.

"No." I lied, trying my best to make sure my face was also telling the same story.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but all of the other guys and myself agreed that Moose would just be too big of a task to take care of. We'll go back to the rescue in a week or so. Take the night off though, have fun, drink a little, and hell, have yourself a few orgasms." Chris whispered in my ear.

"I will but you don't get to." I told him.

"I don't get to do what?" Chris questioned me.

"Cum. I've officially banned you from cumming." I said.

"Oh? Is that just until I get back to you tomorrow morning, or is this like an until the wedding thing?" He asked, trying to keep a straight face.

"Until I say so." I replied.

"One last question. What if I do?" He said, breaking and laughing slightly.

"I...I'll spank you." I bullshited him, but hoped my voice was convincing enough.

"You're kidding, right?" Chris chuckled.

"'re serious." He stated, his eyes widening.

"Indeed." I lied.

"Well then I will be on my best behavior, keep my hands off my cock, and patiently wait to see your gorgeous face once more." He said, taking my face gently in kiss hands and giving me a kiss before heading out to meet Ricky in his car.

"Ohhh, you just lied to your Master!" Ryan yelled loudly, like an obnoxious 5 year old child.

"Like any of you actually believed that." I said, rolling my eyes.

I turned back to the sink, finished washing up the dishes, and made sure everything else was cleaned up in the kitchen. Chris had broken the news to me over dinner that it was a unanimous decision between him and the guys that Moose wasn't going to work out. Hearing that had just ripped my heart in half. I wasn't at all mad or angry with him, but I was absolutely saddened by this. My heart was breaking over sweet little Moose, and I could only hope someone would take good care of her and give her a wonderful home.

"Come on, don't drown in your sorrows. Come hang out with us." Spencer said, peeking into the kitchen.

"Spencer? What are you doing here? You don't even live here." I asked, surprised to see him here.

"This isn't just your house, my dear. I'm just hanging out with friends." Spencer told me.

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