The Cherry on Top

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"Hi." I whispered, turning over onto my back. 

I finally opened my eyes up after quietly laying there for a few minutes after waking up, not wanting the lights I noticed to hurt my eyes.

"Good morning, Mrs. Cerulli." Chris whispered, laying down next to me.

"We're married, Chris." I cheered.

"You're mine now." He playfully growled, quickly grabbing me and flipping over so that he was on top of me.

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked, trying to not sound too excited or desperate.

"First, we will have a delicious breakfast. Then I was thinking I'd show you around the house. Go out for a fabulous lunch, and perhaps swim." Chris said.

"And?" I prodded him.

"We can lay on the hammocks," Chris suggested.

"Chris!" I grumbled.

"Zoey." He whined.

"You're playing with me." I said, frowning at him.

"What am I forgetting, my sweet wife? I mean I made sure to pack everything, the weather is just perfect to swim in...I stocked the fridge with only the best food. My ring's still on...hmm, what am I forgetting?" He asked, stroking his imaginary beard.

I rolled my eyes at this, and jumped off of the bed. Chris' eyes were carefully watching me as I walked to the edge of the bed. Crouching down, I took my pajama pants off and hopped back onto the bed. Once I was near him, I turned around and got on all fours for him.

"Does this help jog your memory?" I wondered.

"Fuck me, are you gorgeous." Chris gasped, running a cold finger down my wet slit.

"No. Fuck me." I begged, turning around with my puppy dog eyes in full force.

"My pleasure, little one. We're going to go and eat a nice breakfast, and once that's over we'll come back and finally consummate our marriage. My apologies again for not knowing that the jet wasn't going to have a separate cockpit. The plan was to put my cock in your pit." He explained with a smirk.

"Can we skip breakfast, pretty please?" I whispered, leaning down to kiss him.

"We should get some protein into you for some energy so we can go and go and go." Chris told me.

"Cum is protein." I said.

His eyes went wide at that comment, and I too was shocked at how those blunt words had just poured out.

"My cum is going into that pretty cunt of yours to breed you, my little whore." Chris growled.

"Mmm, I love it when you talk dirty to me." I whispered.

"Well then let's go eat, and we can continue." He said in a sing-song voice, hopping off of the bed and running to the door.

I ran past him to get to the kitchen, but his damn long legs beat me out and once he reached me he threw me up into his arms. Chris cuddled me close to his chest and carefully walked down the gorgeous staircase to an even more unbelievably beautiful first level. Walking into the kitchen he sat me down on the kitchen counter.

"Sleeping next to you was beyond lovely. Not that I don't like staying at your feet, but it was nice to really be close to you." I told Chris as he brought out ingredients for a delicious looking smoothie with delicious fresh fruit.

Hmm, so we must be somewhere somewhat tropical based on the type of fruit sitting on the counter now.

"I rather enjoyed it myself. What I really loved though was that despite placing you on the opposite side of the bed from me since you were asleep when we arrived here, you still managed to snuggle right up next to me. No blanket or quilt could ever quite match the warmth you give off." Chris said with a sincere smile.

We laughed about the rather odd predicament of being so horny and ready to have sex only to be thwarted by the damn pilot. He had served as both of our chastity devices. I mean, I wouldn't ever rule out engaging in some exhibitionism with Chris, but not while losing my virginity. That wasn't exactly my dream come true.

It only took him a few minutes to whip up the smoothies, and his next adventure was a mouthwatering onion, mushroom, ham and Swiss omelet. While the two things didn't exactly go together perfectly, they were each separate pieces of food excellence. Normally a slow eater, I embarrassingly ate at a faster pace as I was contemplating what the next activity was. The excitement was riling me up, yet at the same time, I found myself becoming rather nervous.

Questions like; Will it hurt? Will I bleed? and How bad will I actually be at sex? popped into my mind and were clouding up my brain.

I finally relented and asked Chris one of the many questions floating around in my head.

"How bad will it hurt, Chris?" I softly asked him.

"Hmm, that's hard to answer, dear," Chris replied, leaning back up against the kitchen's island. "It depends on a lot of things, both with you and I. There will be plenty of foreplay in hopes of getting you more ready for me, and for the pleasure of course, and I won't be truly rough with you the first round. We'll just go slow at first, and see what we can do from there. I personally think the optimal amount of pain you'll experience is just some soreness for a couple days afterward. That just means I did a good job." He explained, winking at me.

"Does it hurt for you?" I wondered, honestly curious.

"No, not really. Unless you bite me while giving me head or punch my balls, which I'm kind of hoping you don't have planned." Chris laughed.

"Of course not." I chuckled back.

"Just know that sex is never going to be the most important part of our relationship. I know I'm a horny old bastard, and I have a feeling once I get a taste of you today I'm going to be wanting more and more, but I just wanted to verbalize it to you that sex means so little to me when compared to the actual love you give me on a daily basis. That's what truly matters and will help us grow stronger as a couple, sex is just the cherry on top - a wonderful add-on. Can you promise me you know that?" Chris asked.

"Yes, Sir. I know that." I replied with a nod.

"Good. Now let me quickly throw our dishes into the dishwasher, and if you would like to head back up to our room to get ready and have a few minutes to yourself, be my guest." He told me.

"Do you want me fully ready for you?" I wondered timidly.

"Just get comfy...whatever that means to you. If that means waiting to undress for me, or even for me to undress you myself. I see that look in your eyes that tells me you're getting nervous, and your breathing is faster than usual. Don't panic, we'll go at a pace you're comfy with." Chris promised me, hugging me and giving me a kiss before I headed upstairs.

I'd never been so absolutely excited for something in my life, yet so nervous.

I knew Chris would make this day perfect though.

He always did. 

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