1 n e : pretty boys & perfect plans

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Reese sat, expression indifferent toward whatever I had to say. I concluded my proposal with a grand bow and grinned, arms outstretched.

"So? What do you think?" I asked excitedly.


Talk about party poopers.

My jaw dropped.

"Aw, come on Reese. You know it'll work!" I protested, frowning before I remembered I had lost an eyebrow a week or two before. But that's a story for another day.

I pondered again about my proposal. Did it not make sense? I frowned.

"Let me digest what you just proposed. You want me to help you go against Asher Owens and make him hate you. So that he will fall in love with you- "

"Something like- "

"-and then you will proceed to break his heart- "

"Yeah, but when you say it like that- "

"-like some soap opera."

"...are you done interrupting me?" I scowled at her.

"Yes. Are you done farting ideas out of your nose?"


It was a universally known and unavoidable truth that every high school was home to an ultimate bad boy. In Riverals high, that dickhead just came in the form of Asher Owens. Unfeeling and cold, he mercilessly targeted the people who stood in his way. It was extremely unfortunate that God decided to bestow him with a pretty face and a gorgeous physique. The most unfortunate part was that he knew this, and he took full advantage of it. Girls in my school practically throw themselves at his feet, completely without dignity.

He made out with them, does god knows what with them, and then tosses them aside like unwanted goods.

So, I was going to be the heroine and give him a taste of his own medicine. I was going to make him fall in love with me. And then I will break his heart, like how he did many others.

"And how do you think you are going to make him fall in love with you? Please repeat that part to me again. It doesn't make sense the first time you say it and it will probably still not make sense again but go on, get it all out here."

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to capture his attention by annoying him. Then he will hate me. Research says that you spend the majority of your time thinking about people you hate. There's an incredibly thin line between love and hate. Before you know it, Asher Owens will- "

"-crush you under his boots."

"I was going to say Asher Owens will fall in love with me." I stared pointedly at my best friend.

"No offense. Your plan really sucks. It has more plot holes than I can count and really, I am telling you that making Asher hate you won't make him love you. Period."

"But- "

"Emily, don't mind me asking, what happened after you tried to start a fire with a Molotov cocktail? Ah yes. I remember. Your extremely sad eyebrow got mercilessly burnt off. Moral of the story? All your plans suck."

"Well, as much as I agree that- "

"-your plan sucks," Reese said smugly. "Nice eyebrow alternative, though."

"Oh, is the ink still there?" I ask, pointing to my eyebrow.

"No, actually, it's a little faded." She replies, scrutinising my poor excuse of an eyebrow.

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