33 i r t y - t h r e e : wasnt she okay?

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Asher and I spent almost every second together, studying for finals, kissing and then studying again. It was wonderful.

I leant over the glass window and kissed him again. These days I could barely get enough of it.

"I'll see you later."

"I wish you didn't have to go."

"Well, I've got stuff on. I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled, winking at me. Frank shouted a goodbye to me before driving the car away.

Settling on the couch, I opened up my biology textbook to memorize and revise everything I was required to know again. I reread and reread and reread until the words were burnt into my memory before I finally closed my eyes and relaxed my sore eyes. Leanne pounced on me one second after my lids closed and I jumped up again.

"You little monkey!" I snorted at her before I lunged over and grabbed her. I admit that for a split second I wanted to throw her into the fridge but then I decided against it because my mum would land my sorry butt into the microwave.

"Emily! I want to play!"

"Leanne, I'm freaking tired. Could we play a little later?"

"No." She yowled.

"No." I said, closing my eyes again and tucking her in between my arms. She whined until finally, she fell asleep.

I sighed and carried her up into her room and shut the door. My parents were out working late today and Clint was out partying. I have no idea if he was even going to pass finals.

The next phone call I received completely changed my life and almost everything I'd ever known about my best friend. No, actually. The phone call just changed one thing I thought I knew about her.

I'd thought she was okay.

My entire life I'd known Reese, she'd never slept past 2 am. So when she called me at four thirty in the ungodly hours of the morning, I freaked.

"Reese, it's four. Is there something wrong?" I asked, concern crystal clear and evident in my voice.

Reese was silent for the longest period of time before a sob wracked through her body. And it broke my heart.

"Fuck this, I'm coming over." After hanging up, I got up and rushed down to my car. I started the engine and drove as fast as I possibly could right to her doorway. I called the intercom up and the door beeped open. All the lights in her house were switched off and I was careful not to make a sound as I walked up the steps. I could her the sniffles from her room and the mini lamp I'd given her on one of her birthdays was on.

"I have stage four cancer, Emily. Lung cancer. I didn't know about it until recently too. My mum and dad and I discussed everything and we all agreed that I should quit school. I never meant to lie to you. I just didn't want to worry you. This year is an important year. I'd always hoped you would do well. And I know you can do it. I don't want to burden you with my health issues. I'm so sorry. This is so fucked up." She was hiccuping and only then I realized the disastrous state that she was in.

Her room had completely transformed into a hospital ward. Medicine containers had lined the top of her cabinet and cards and stuffed toys littered the floor. I recognized a few of her relatives names. Our families, including our extended families spent Christmas together every year. We were that close. Her wooden IKEA bed was replaced by a massive hospital bed, the ones that could recline and enable you to sit up. Those expensive ones used for patients who had lost their strength.

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