7 e v e n : shits and Sherlocks

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"Girls!" My dad shouted up the stairs. "I mean, and boy, come and see!" I yawned as I heard the heavy footsteps of my father coming upstairs.

I swung open the door and screamed in utter delight. Oh my god! A small cute brown puppy laid in my father's arms. Clint opened the door.

"Ew, what is that thing? It's so ugly."

"It's beautiful," we said simultaneously.

I turned to glare at him. "What the hell is your problem? You obviously have not seen yourself in the mirror. Oh, now I know what I should get you for your birthday. A mirror!" I smiled sweetly, ignoring the disapproving look given by my father. I awarded myself points for being so savage. Clint glared at me before stomping back into his room.

I looked over at Leanne whose jaw had dropped at the sight before her.

"Aww, where did you find him, dad?" Leanne asked as she cradled the puppy. She looked like she was suffocating it, but the puppy licked her face happily nonetheless.

"He was roaming around the streets. I found him after knocking off from work. But he looks well taken care of though. He probably has an owner." My dad said. I sighed sadly, that means we will have to return the pup after the owner posts a missing dog poster.

I pecked my dad on the cheek and started getting ready for school. Most of my books were in my locker, so I decided to take a morning jog to school today since I was also about an hour earlier.

Tying my shoelaces and blasting my music, I set off running at a steady pace around the neighbourhood twice before I saw the familiar gas station that led to the school.

"Reese! Mason Camps! He asked me out!" I gushed as soon as I saw her at the school gates. I was still panting heavily and sweating as I spoke animatedly to Reese, explaining all the details to her. Being the calmer and rational one, she asked, "How are you going to seduce Asher if you are going to have a relationship?"

"Fret not Reese dearest. Since I already have Asher's attention, I'll try to be nicer to him, he'll not know that I am with Mason."

"Uh, Ems, I really hate to break it to you. But honestly, do you really think Asher will fall in love with you?"

"He will." I nodded. I walked with Reese to the lockers.

"Hey, by the way, did you know that apparently Thomas joined the committee? He'll be helping out to plan for the school fundraiser event. Oh, I heard this year's event would be very interesting!" Reese, being the ever school loving one clapped excitedly. I wonder what was so exciting about a Cookie Bake Sale though.

Oh my god, speak of the devil and there he was. Sauntering down the hallway was none other than Thomas, the hot, juicy, sexy- what the, why do I sound like a deranged and sex-deprived kid? Oh wait, I am. I jumped straight into his lane.

"Hello," I said. "How can I be of service today?" I winced, that came out totally wrong. Now I'm starting to sound like I really am just offering myself up. I convinced myself that to get Asher's attention, I've first gotta play nice to his friends, so first up, Thomas.

"Oooh, I'd like a bl-"

"BALALALA," I started screaming, with my fingers plugged into my ears.

He chuckled.

"Ona more serious note though," he drew in a deep breath dramatically."I kinda like you."

Reese started coughing and staring at me, wide-eyed. She scurried away, choked up.

"I'll leave you to it."

And there we have it, the start of everything that was to come.

Because I reached up, took him by the shoulders and...

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