36 i r t y - s i x : packaged promise

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I was getting better. My mood was lifting and I could actually feel happiness again.

"Thomas!" I wailed childishly as he plucked my chocolate cookie from my hand. He stuck his tongue back out at me. Lydia laughed at this.

"What are you laughing at, hm?" Thomas squinted at Lydia as he lunged at her, tackling her to the ground.

I guffawed, holding my stomach. Tears squeezing out of my eyes.

Unsurprisingly, Lydia and Thomas ended up together and Thomas and Clint realized they had more in common than they initially thought. This paved way for friendship between the boys - Thomas, Clint and Samuel. We'd already went on three double dates plus me. Although they were fun, I couldn't help but get a little sad when Thomas and Lydia and Clint and Samuel started teasing each other, leaving me the odd one out.

Asher...well. Asher had completely fallen off the grid. His contact number changed, his Instagram deleted, his email accounts all gone. There was nothing. Nothing I could hold on to, nothing to remind me of him, no way to ever find him again. Apart from our photographs together, our messages we sent to each other, it was almost like he never existed.

Nonetheless, life was going well and I had no regrets. I've let go of my sadness and I hope I'd be able to find my own happiness soon.

"Ems! Let's go for a movie!" Lydia called as she sat on Thomas's shoulders.

I shook my head.

"I don't want to play gooseberry."

Thomas snickered at this.

I rolled my eyes, waving goodbye to them. I began my walk home from the park.

Collecting mail from the mailbox, I unlocked the door and sprawled on the sofa. I hummed to 'lover' by Taylor Swift and gathered the mail with my name, dumping the rest on the dining table.

I caught sight of the word 'University' imprinted on a few of the envelopes and yelped.

I did exceptionally well for finals and therefore met the cut for a few Universities I'd had my eye on for a while now. I'd discovered my passion for the financial sector and would probably pursue a degree in that sector. Clint did okay for most subjects but barely passed his math. Therefore he'd decided to pursue further studies in the film and media industry. Thomas and Lydia both did well too. While Thomas wanted to pursue a degree in psychology, Lydia had her eye on an interesting course on animal health.

I tore open the envelope with the University name of my first choice.

Dear Emily Jones,
We are pleased to...

"Oh my fucking-mum! Dad! I got accepted!" I screamed as I jumped and danced around the hall. Mum started to tear up and my dad beamed with pride for me. My heart burst.

Hugging them all, I opened the rest. I got accepted into all but they didn't matter, because I'd been accepted into my first choice.

"Hey, Ems! There's a package for you over here." Clint called as he handed me a small square packet.

My name and address was written. Weird, why didn't I see it earlier?

I carefully tore the brown wrapping and froze.

A red bandana.

My fingers shook as I lifted the bandana up. My hand flew to my mouth.

After all these days, weeks.

This was the red bandana that Asher Peter Owens had used for every single one of his matches. He had never fought without it. It was his lucky charm, of sorts.

A promise delivered to me yet again, and this time, I hope he would keep to it.

I bit my lip and smiled. I hoped he was doing okay - more than okay.

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