a u t h o r s n o t e

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Hey yall! As I begin my journey, I can't help but to thank each and everyone of you who have given this book a chance. :)

I hope that you will fall in love with the story between all the characters because all of them play a very significant role in each other's lives. They will teach each other what is love and how to truly love, they will teach each other how to give and how to receive. They are selfless and selfish at the same time, much like the rest of us humans. This story explores the vulnerability of humans and how the simplest emotions give rise to everything that is to come. This story explores sacrifices and betrayal. This story explores second chances, love and healing.

I had my main plot done up years ago, but I couldn't put it well enough into words then. So I'm really hoping I could do my younger self proud now by transforming my ideas into words.

It may be a cliche story (and honestly, I am super proud of its 'clicheness'), and I hope it will leave you smiling.

dedication :
for JJ
thank you for being you. this one's for you because without you there wouldn't be me.
i hope you find love in the most beautiful way, that is, when you least expect it.

Start date: 19 april 2019
End date: 1 february 2020

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