17 v e n t e e n : wonder woman and coming out

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I had zero idea how people managed to pull this off. Or well, on, for that matter. After the encounter with Asher, I went to the nearest costume shop. I swear it was as though I had walked into a strip shop. The costumes there were all either not worth the small amount of cloth used, or too ugly. I finally found a not so revealing Wonder Woman costume set. Miraculous.

"This could fit Leanne!" I groaned before looking at my care bears on the bed. They could probably fit, too.

I sucked in a deep breath and yanked the goddamn thing up my shoulders before letting the material go with a snap. I glared at my reflection in the mirror, completely hating the skin-tight red and blue and yellow and white costume.

It was hideous. And that was already me being nice.

The red and blue sequins that were practically screaming for attention scratched against my skin and the never-ending itch on my butt did nothing to make that better.

Chocdog stalked into the room, and he halted, staring at me with those brown doe-like eyes.

"Stop, I know I look hideous." I sighed as I patted his furry head. He rubbed against my hand in absolute content.

He stared at me for another minute or so before whimpering.

"Come on, do I really look that bad?" I asked the dog who was now cowering under his paws. Stupid guy, what a way to boost my self-esteem.

I video called Reese.

"Hiiii!" I squealed as I saw her nose on the screen.

"You sound chirpy! Sup'?" She asked, her voice albeit hoarse and dry. Sore throat, she happened to claim the other day.

I took a step back to show her exactly what clown suit I had fitted myself into.

Absolute silence.

And then she laughed right out at me, her laughter filling the air and she heaved until she looked like she couldn't possibly breathe anymore.

It's for Thomas, I reminded myself coolly.

"You going to a themed strip party or something like that?"

"Yeah, something like that," I grumbled as I buried my face into my hands. "Why can't you come along?"

"I'm not up for it. Though I'd love to have more information on how you and Thomas...mhmm." She grinned, waggling her brows suggestively.

I made a face before flipping her the bird.

"No one and I mean, no one is going to do anything weird today."

"Are you-"

"Emily! Why are you going to a princess dress-up tea party without me?" Leanne whined as she stomped her foot at my door. My eyes widened. My mum could not find out about it.

"Sh! I'm not going to a tea party, Le, I'm going for..." My brain gears were spinning (if I even did have one), but I couldn't think of an excuse.


"Reesh!" Leanna squealed, she loved Reese to bits.

"Let me take a look at my favorite Jones." She cooed making Leanne laugh.

That would definitely be me, under normal circumstances. I hope.

"I love you too!" Leanne said into the computer, planting a kiss smack in the middle of my screen. I facepalmed, I just wiped it!

"Leanne, I need you to help me do something. I'm very sad now, that's why I asked Emily to dress as a superhero to come and make me feel a bit better. You want me to feel better, don't you?"

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