32 i r t y - t w o : jack and rose

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"Asher Owens and Emily Jones!" Mrs Smith snapped. "I do not appreciate your blatant flirting in my class!"

Asher's hand was tangled in my thick hair at his ninth attempt at braiding my hair and his mouth near my ear. I ducked my head down, embarrassed as Asher glared back at Mrs Smith. I muttered a quick apology, but Mrs Smith was not letting Asher go.

"Have you even completed your English assignment?" She snarled menacingly.

I could hear the excuses forming at the tip of his tongue, anything to admit that he did anything but. We both knew he did that English assignment because I'd asked for his opinion on my paper and he showed me his. However, I could tell his stubborn personality just wanted nothing more than to piss Mrs Smith off.


I jabbed his arm. He winced and turned to me. Now the whole class was watching our exchange.

"He did, Mrs Smith." I rolled my eyes as I stood up from my seat. "And I personally thought it was well thought out and written."

I snatched Asher's white binder and dug out the assignment, presenting it to Mrs Smith like an award, much to Asher's dismay.

Mrs Smith's eyebrows shot sky-high as she walked toward us, incredulity lining her slightly wrinkled face. She took the piece of paper from my grasp and examined it like an ancient piece of art.

"Good job." She muttered, still shell shocked. It was an almost inaudible praise and I knew that happiness filled Asher even though he did not let it show.

The bell rang and Asher jumped out of his seat, hoisting me up along with him.

"Let me take you somewhere-"

"Babe, the last time you said that I ended up in a chopper. Am I going to end up in a yacht this time?" I joked.

"How'd you guess?" He asked incredulously.

"Let's go yachting another time. Tonight, let's go bowling. I love bowling." I grinned.

"Alright." He laughed.

"Wow Asher, just because you have a girl now I'm forgotten?" Thomas popped his head between our linked hands and pouted.

"Go find yourself one." Asher retorted. My heart pinched in discomfort. Technically, I was with Thomas first. Thomas cleverly evaded the topic.

"Can I third wheel you guys this evening?"

I nodded, smiling at Thomas's enthusiasm. Hooking my arms through Asher and Thomas with Lydia behind, trailing along with a packet of chips, we made our way to Thomas's car.


Asher was brilliant at flirting, even better at singing and the best at kissing. But when it came to bowling, Asher was just shit. I watched on in utter amusement as the ball once again rolled into the gutter at a snail's pace after thudding loudly on the polished floor. Asher howled in annoyance and sulked back to the corner seat.

"What a score," Lydia said sarcastically. Asher turned to glower at her.

"Watch the pro do it," I smirked as I grabbed the bowling ball that was just returned to the track. I positioned myself properly in front of the lane. I'd always been gifted at bowling, it was just in my blood. I swung my hand backward and using my wrist, flicked the ball forward in a confident motion. The ball left my hand and rolled gracefully across the slick lacquered floor, clearing all the pins.

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