10 e n : female parts and house visits

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I walked to school grumpily, knowing that I had to complete that project with Thomas in three weeks which was technically almost impossible. Just as I rounded the bend that led into school, I caught sight of Asher at the side of the school wall.

Surprise, surprise, he had a junior sprawled on the ground near his foot. That poor dude was going to die today. I rushed over and yanked on his shirt collar (which really took a lot of effort, because this dude was goddamned tall).

Asher spun around, his fist mid-air, ready to strike. I closed my eyes shut and covered my nose because god forbid I look like a flattened pancake. I braced myself for the blow.

"What are you doing?" His eye narrowed at me, looking actually really constipated.

I opened one eye.

"I'm waiting for the punch, make it quick. Have some mercy on me, please don't disfigure my face, thanks." I rushed, closing my eyes again.

"I don't hit girls," He forced out. "Nor the elderly," He added thoughtfully.

Wow, as if that now made him some kind of a saint.

"What did he do?" I asked as Asher continued glaring at me, fury clear in his eyes.

"He was blocking my way," He growled back, now full-on glaring at the poor boy who was probably already shitting his pants.

"Scram, before I rearrange your face,"

I had never seen someone run that quickly away before. Great, now that I saved him, who was going to save me? I powered on ninja sneaky mode and tiptoed away while Asher turned away to light his cigarette.

"Come back here," He ordered. I reluctantly went back to my pity spot over there. This was not worth my sacrifice.

"You have balls, love,"

"Uh, in case you were wondering? I'm female, with complete female parts," I retorted.

"Can't quite tell," His eyes dropping to my chest. He breathed out a circle of smoke at which I coughed.

"Stop," I commanded.

"Stop what?" He continued doing it. He smirked at me as I coughed and started hacking at my chest. Cigarette smoke was the worst shit in the world.

"What are you kids doing here?" A low husky voice called out. Thomas Brien, another Asher. I sighed.

"I see you are making friends, Ash," He laughed, flicking at his cheek.

"Woah, far from it buddy. She just stopped me from killing some junior, and ruined my morning appetite," He scoffed.

"Hey, asshole, I actually saved you a trip to the principal's office. You are such a dick," I was officially mad at stupid Asher Owens.

"I do indeed have a pretty big one, care to see?" Asher snickered at me, his hands at his low-rise jeans, exposing the waistband of his Calvin Kleins.

"I will personally castrate you," I growled.

"But that means you'll have to touch it," Asher smiled even wider. Thank god the bell rang at that exact moment. My face turned beet red and I turned back toward them for my final glare while Thomas saluted at me. They both seemed hell-bent on annoying the shit out of me. Well, two can play this game. I mean, three if we counted Thomas.

I walked into school and stopped short when I saw him. He leant against the cafeteria door, coolly as he stared at me.

"Chase," I breathed. Taking in the sight before me. How could this be possible? My mind flashed back to 11th May three years ago.

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