12 e l v e : burnt breakfast and spiderman

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I woke up to the smell of burnt bacon and cheese.

Confused, I bounded down the steps to see Clint preparing breakfast, humming to himself.   

"You're making breakfast," I noted.

"Yes, Emily. What did you think I was doing, playing the trumpets?" He sassed back, waving the spatula in the air, effectively flicking a few bits of egg on the floor.

"Holy shit, Clint. You're in the kitchen?" My mother added as she walked down the stairs.

"You're cooking." Anne sang as she slid down the bannister.

"Yes, dear family. I am indeed cooking." Clint said bitterly as he slid four plates toward us. "Now try it," He ordered.

Silence. The egg was burnt. The cheese was like, rock hard. The bacon was torn here and there.

No one moved.

"I bet you put cyanide in it," I said unhelpfully as I scooped the bacon up to inspect it.

Anne picked up the egg with her fingers and cringed as the egg dropped to the floor limply.

In other words, we were shell shocked. And also afraid that Clint wanted to poison us.

"Clint wouldn't do that. I bet he just didn't wash his hands." Mum laughed awkwardly as she shoved the cheese into her mouth.

"Shit, come to think of it, I really didn't," Clint muttered as he flicked the apron off. "Just throw it all away if you don't want it." He said gruffly before he grabbed his backpack and headed out of the house. Was that dude going to drive off without me? I ran out after him.

School was awkward without Reese and I spent the day hiding in the library and avoiding Thomas. What was I going to do about that kiss? I got through the day without many accidents.

What a miracle.


Again, I found myself dressing and dolling myself up the minute I reached home for the date with Mason. It was impromptu as he only called and asked me yesterday if I would like to go on another date with him right after his lessons ended, which was a little later than mine since he attended a school further away.

I applied my last layer of lipgloss before stepping out of the house. It was getting a little stuffy in the house, so I decided to wait on the porch swing. He had another hour before he would reach. Taking out my phone, I started scrolling through Instagram. Pictures of my classmates' happy faces flooded my feed. Wow, everyone was having so much fun. I scrolled on sadly, before hearing footsteps.

"Oh, it's you," I said, staring up at Asher. He was in a sleeveless jersey, covered with grass and sweat.

"Yes, it's me. I have training today. Why aren't you in school? What happened to our compromise?" He asked, glaring at me. To be honest, I completely forgot.

"Uh. I have something important on today," I said, waving it off, looking everywhere but his face because I knew I was the one at fault.

"Oh well, I guess your puny legs have to suffer now. The track is one very sad place to be," He shrugged, completely nonchalant as he turned to leave.

Puny legs?

"Okay fine!" I conceded, glowering at him as he smirked. I sent a quick text to Mason telling him that we had to go on the date around nighttime because I suddenly remembered an obligation. After five minutes, he sent me an 'okay'.

"You are such an asshole, Owens," I growled as I stomped back upstairs to change back into my casual clothing. I walked slowly back down to see Asher leaning against the door, smoking.

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