13 i r t e e n : friendship threesome and lit lit

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"How was that date with Mason?" Anne cooed as she walked into my room. I was just getting ready for school.

"Oh, well. Imagine finding out that your date had a major, big-time crush on her older sister. How would you feel? That is exactly how I feel now. Just get out of my room Anne," I sighed. I didn't want to hurt anybody with the words that were begging to get out.

Her face fell completely, she looked like she wanted to say something else, but decided against it, walking out. I rolled over onto my back, staring at the glow in the dark stickers pasted on the top of my room. I sighed. I wasn't in any way jealous. That was the weird part. I spent so long liking Mason, but yet, when we went on dates, I actually felt annoyed at him.

I went downstairs for a cup of milk, spotting my mum blotting her eyes with a piece of tissue that looked way overused.

"Whoa, mum. Are you like, okay?" I hated that question because she was obviously not okay. I patted her head, making it even awkwarder. Chocdog came to nuzzle his face into my mum's lap.

"Yes, sweetie, I'm fine." She said, sending a fake smile my way.

"Something's wrong, don't lie."

"Your dad and I are always fighting these days. He barely even comes back directly after work anymore. I'm afraid..." My mum swallowed. I paused. Was dad...was dad having an affair?

"No, I'm sure that that is not it. Dad is more responsible than what we credit him for." I defended, although I wasn't quite sure anymore.

"You're probably right. I'll see you later sweetie." She smiled tightly at me as she waved me out of the door. Just as I was about to step out, she shouted for me again.

"What is up with your hair, young lady?" She eyed me as she wriggled her index finger at my hair. "Why on earth is it green?"

"Um, I sort of kinda dyed my hair at the salon yesterday?" I replied. I was so not telling her a boy that that to me. I did not want a repeat of elementary school. I shuddered at the mere memory of her stepping onto school grounds searching for the boy who superglued my chair. I mean, he kind of deserved it, considering that he glued a goddamned chair to my butt. I shuddered again.

"Yes, a salon," I confirmed. It's totally not Asher.

She finally nodded at me.

I grabbed my bag and rushed out of the door. I got into the car before remembering that Clint existed. I horned the car.

"Coming!" I heard his shout from his opened window. Does that dude have like ten bodies to clothe or something? I sighed before resting my head on the wheel.

Finally, the car door was pulled open and Clint jumped in, smiling sheepishly at me.

"Sorry, I was making some sandwiches."

"Who's the unlucky soul?" I eye him suspiciously before grinning. "OMG! You've found someone!" I clapped my hands in glee. Clint looked away, embarrassed.

"Who's it?" I prodded as I turned into Reese's driveway. I started honking before finally giving up and moving toward the intercom.

"Reese! Hurry your butt down or you've got to call an Uber yourself!" I shouted.

"Go ahead, I won't be going to school today." She muttered through the intercom.

"Whoa, Reese, are you alright?" I was concerned now. Reese has been acting weird. "Could you please unlock the door? Let me come in and check on you?" I pleaded.

"No, Ems. Just get to school now. Don't worry about me." She answered. I frowned.

"Reese. I want you to open the hell up now." I said in the most authoritative voice that I could possibly muster.

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