27 e n t y - s e v e n : fanfrickingtastic

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I tiptoed, kissing Thomas on the lips. He held my waist and pushed me against the lockers. The hallway was almost quiet now, save for the students who didn't have lessons.

"Please stop that and get back to class before I give you two detention!" A teacher hollered at us.

"Sorry, sir!" Thomas apologized. The glint in his eyes said he was anything but apologetic.

I laughed as he held on to my waist and led me to class.

"You sure you don't wanna go out tonight?" Thomas tried his luck, pouting again. I brushed his face.

"I can't, I have service at the dog shelter today. I'm sorry."

"You didn't have to take partial blame for Asher, you know. He could have just bought the school over." Thomas grinned.

"I really did." I sighed. "Even after I helped him take partial blame, I kinda still owe him." That childish prick.

"Oh well." He pursed his lips, looking cute by the classroom door. Thank god the door was closed. Mrs Lawns would have a heart attack if she saw us smooching in the hallway. I pulled open the double doors and Thomas walked in with me.

"Hello. I'm sorry."

"Just take a seat, please." Mrs Lawns said irritably. I knew, however, she couldn't possibly stay angry at me for long since I was technically one of her best students.

I sighed and looked at the clock. Come on, an hour more to go. I tapped my foot, played with my pencil, drew on my papers when finally the bell rang.

"Hang on kids!" She yelled as she waved a stack of papers in her hands.

A series of annoying grunts followed.

"I'll be returning you your scripts from the project work. Come up to collect them."

I rushed up and grabbed my script from Mrs Lawns. My lateness forgotten, she flashed a warm smile at me.

"You're going to do amazingly well, Emily."

I beamed with pride as I walked out of the classroom.

To my surprise, Asher was leaning against a black car. As I neared, I realized that he had brought Frank along for the trip.

"You're early." I said, at the same time he grunted, "You're late."


Come on, think of a sassy comeback.

"I forgot what I wanted to say." I decided eventually. Smart move, Emily.

"You wanted to say I looked good today. Thanks." He smirked, opening the door and slipping in like the gentleman he is.

Again, he beat me at my own game.

I sighed.

"Hi, Frank."

"Hello, Emily."

"What's with the car?" I turned to Asher.

"Glad you asked. The pet shelter is more than an hour away, in a secluded area of South."

My mouth dropped open.

"Yeah, I know." I squeaked.

No, I didn't. I was that close to walking.

"You're very welcome." He sat back, self-satisfied.

I gave Asher my best eye roll that was normally reserved for Michelle and occasionally Reese.

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