28 w e n t y - e i g h t : blue skies & sad goodbyes

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Both Lydia and Thomas weren't at school the next day and I ended up eating alone during lunch again. Even Asher was not at his usual place in the middle of the cafeteria. He did say, however, that he would meet me at the back of the school to go to the beach for the beach clean-up together.

"Earth to Emily," Reese said into the phone. I'd decided to call Reese while hiding out in the washroom. It was gym now.

"Huh, yes yes. What was I saying?"

"You were fangirling about Asher."

"Oh yeah. And no, I was not fangirling. I was just telling you that he wasn't as much of an asshat as I'd assumed he was." I rolled my eyes as I jogged around the cubicle.

"Same thing."

"Whatever, girlie."

I heard Mr Eric holler my name and I quickly said goodbye to Reese before going back to gym again. What a nightmare.

School finally ended and I walked toward the back of the school to meet Asher. He was already there.

"Okay, uh. Love, I need you to understand that people make mistakes when they're not thinking straight. Sometimes these mistakes can hurt the other party. But the important thing is that-" Asher started blabbering.

"Whoa, slow down. What the hell are you talking about?"

"Just, just remember that he never meant to hurt you."


My phone rang and I gestured to Asher to give me a moment. I heard Thomas's voice over the phone.

"Ems, could you come over? I have something I need to tell you. It's important." Thomas said over the phone and I frowned.

"I have to go for the beach cleanup thing."

"No, I really have to see you now. It's urgent. Please."

"Um, okay. Okay, bye."

"Thomas?" Asher asked.

"Yeah, do you mind going to the beach to sign up both in first? I'll be there in half an hour tops." I promised. Asher nodded without hesitation and I knew something was odd.

Getting into my car, I drove to Thomas's house. The guard greeted me again and rang Thomas's room intercom, the usual procedure before finally letting me in.

The minute I stepped into the compound, Thomas was out to meet me.

"Hey, did something happen?" I asked with concern.

"God, Ems. I...last night, at the party. I got so drunk that I..." Thomas was uncomfortably fiddling with his hair.

I froze.

I knew what he was going to say.

"I...Lydia...we had sex."

I knew it. That was the bomb. Even Asher knew about it. Thomas must have told him beforehand, hence Asher's preparation and willingness to leave me alone.

The moment I heard Thomas's voice over the phone, I knew it was going to be something big, something bad. It was almost like how it happened in the books. The boyfriend cheats with the best friend on the girlfriend. I just didn't think it would be me. And I most definitely didn't think it was going to be with Lydia, my fucking friend.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." His eyes were pleading, hoping I could understand. But I couldn't. I knew I couldn't. The fear of my dad cheating on my mum (thank god he wasn't) but, it was enough for me. I told myself, I'd never let myself get together with someone who had the ability to cheat on me. I'd never let myself live it down.

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