Chapter 1: Camping Plans

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The scrawny male sighed in annoyance. Finishing up his last page of notes the school bells had rang. Signaling the students it was time to go home. Most students left their homework assignments on the desks and rushed out. The nerd shook his head in disappointment and walked out of class.

He approched his locker and placed all his books away. He closed his locker to have his boyfriend leaning against the lockers next to him. "Hey babe." The puffed hair male greeted, his arms snaked around Dwight's waist and he gave a small nuzzle.

Dwight had let out a small chuckle and held Jake's hand by his waist. "Hey Jake. How were classes?" Same daily questions asked. Jake had chuckled and repositioned himself to walk side by side with him. "Well... Today was more fun than usual. Had David beat the living shit out of someone over homework." He stated letting out a loud snicker.

"David is always fighting people over the stupidest reasons.." Dwight pouted, leading Jake to his car. "Let me drive this time, babe." Jake spoke up, instantly grabbing the car keys out of Dwight's hand and jumped into the car. Dwight had rolled his eyes, hopping into the car.

"You know, you don't need to snatch the keys from me. It's my car." He stated, looking out the window. Jake shook his head, pulling out of the schools parking lot. "Just let me drive for today. I wanted to talk to you about our plans this weekend." Dwight looked over to him confused.

"This weekend plans?" He restated as a question. He heard a soft 'mhm' coming from Jake. "Me and Meg decided to invite you and Claudette on our camping trip. Seeing as it is vacation." Jake answered, pulling up on Meg's driveway. Jake took the key out of the ignition and got out of the car. Dwight had followed along, confused as to why they were at Meg's house.

Jake walked up the staircases and knocked on the door, while his little nerd stood behind him. The red haired girl opened the door. She smiled seeing the two boy's. "Jake, Dwight! It's good to see you both here. Come on in!" She gestured for them to enter. She stepped aside while the two love birds walked in.

She closed it, jogging towards her living room couch. "Claudette is upstairs taking a nap. She just came outta work so, don't make to much noise. " She warned, winking. Jake chuckled and sat beside Meg.

"I sorta told Dwight over here about our camping trip." Jake told her, looking over to his lover. Dwight had nodded and sat down. "I just don't understand why you guys decided to do it around this time.. I mean, It is fall and it's very cold.." The nerd spoke, fixing his glasses.

The two laughed. "Babe, we will be fine. We will be doing campfires and bring warm blankets, sweaters, n' stuff. No biggy!" Jake exclaimed, pulling him in for a cuddle. Megan rolled her eyes and did a barfing gesture. "Not on my couch guys, this ain't no love zone!" She screeched.

Dwight blushed, snuggling closer to Jake shyly. Jake dramatically gasped and hugged his lover tightly. "Look at what you did! Now he is shy!" The nature nerd placed a bunch of kisses on his boyfriend. Meg rolled her eyes, taking out her phone. Claudette walked downstairs to look over at the group sitting on the couch.

She rubbed her tired eyes and looked at the time on her phone before proceeding down the steps. "Good afternoon everyone." She mumbled with a soft yawn. Meg blushed and got up to go hug her. "Good afternoon cutie!~" She cooed, giving soft nuzzles.

Dwight had gasped, looking over at the two. "You both are dating?!" Jumping out of Jake's grasp, he had shrieked. The two girls stood silent, a blush forming on their faces. "Claudeyy, how come you never told me?" He pouted playfully poking his best friend.

Claudette giggled, "We just got together yesterday." She winked. Dwight had yelled out in excitement. Jake placed both his hands on Dwight's shoulders, calming him down. "We should get back to our Camping topic." Jake suggested having Dwight sit on his lap.

"Well.. When are we planning to go?" Claudette asked an obvious question, looking over towards the group. "We are planning to leave tomorrow, around.." Meg had paused and looked over at Jake. "How about 12pm?" Dwight spoke up, having a small smile.

Claudette had nodded, "Sounds perfect!" She smiled back. "Items we are bringing?" Meg had asked, taking out a notepad to list down some items. "Well.. We will need some blankets, pillows, tents, food, water, maybe a radio? Some extra gas while we are at it." Jake had listed off.

Dwight had turned to look over at Jake, worried. "Is carrying an extra canteen of gasoline safe? I mean.. What if we get into an accident and it explodes?" The nerd started to panick at the thought. Jake hugged him.

His arms around his stomach, he gave a soft 'shh.' Trying to sooth his lover. He gave him small rubs on the belly and Dwight sighed. Leaning into his boyfriend. "I guess we are scratching off the extra gas?" Meg assumed looking over at the three.

Claudette nodded immediately. "I do have to agree with Dwight on this one. That's the only thing we will not be bringing with us." She stated, readjusting her glasses. She took off her beanie and sat down.

Meg nodded, scratching off the gasoline check box. She repeated the items that they had listed to make sure she had wrote everything. Everyone nodded and soon got off the couch.

"Alright everyone! First thing tomorrow afternoon. We meet back at my place again and depart from there." Megan had stated with her cheeky grin shown on her face. "Hun, I sleep here with you." Claudette stated with a giggle.

Megan had nervously laughed, "Haha-- right. Sorry, I had forgot." She started to head upstairs. "Make sure to lock the door for me babe, Im going to go shower!" Meg had yelled from upstairs. Claudette chuckled, looking over at the two love birds that stood by the door.

"I'll see you two tomorrow. Good night!" Claudette had gave her goodbyes to the two and they left. "I hope you are excited for tomorrow, babe. It's going to be fun!" Jake exclaimed hopping into the drivers seat.

"Whoa, calm down there nature boy. We aren't there yet." Dwight giggled over the nickname he had gave him, placing his seat belt on. "Hmm~ We might as well hit it on tonight. Never know if we might do it around mother natures turf." Jake whispered in Dwight's ear seductively.

Dwight shivered at the thought and shook his head with a blush. "Okay, fine.. Just this once.." Jake fist pumped the air and had started to drive them off to their shared apartment.

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