Chapter 13: Decisions

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Dwight was recovering quickly. He was able to move around, walk. He still had the bruising on his body, which still hurt. Jake was around Dwight, not once did he leave his side. The only time he had ever left Dwight on his own was when he was called in for Trials. Dwight wasn't used to all this attention. 

Sure, he loved Jake but after spending some time away from him.. He felt kind of safe around Michael's protection. Dwight laid back onto his sleeping space, thinking and making up all these scenarios in his head. What if he never went out with Jake? Maybe he would've been better off? 

Would've never had met Michael.. The name rang into his head. His thoughts swirling back onto the topic of the tall, psycho killer. Did he really like Jake; His fiancé? The small nerd was quite confused. Maybe he was falling in love with a killer. A man without nature, without any emotion. He let out a small chuckle. 

It reminded him of Jake's traits. The thought of Jake coming up onto his mind made him frown. Sitting up from his sleeping position,  he slowly crawled out of the tent. He looked around to see none of his teammates outside.

He fully crawled out and slowly walked over to the campfire. Dwight walked past the camp and into the woods. He tried his best to be quiet as possible when walking through the woods. The entity had placed the survivor and killer camps close to each other just in case. He stopped as he saw a little moonlight shinning down onto a different camp. 

Dwight hid behind a tree and stood still watching every single killers movements. Usually this is blocked off when trial summons had happened, just to make sure none of the survivors see which killer it is before. He watched the Huntress take off her bunny mask and walk over to a few other killers. 

The Nurse -Known as Sally Smithson, was patching up someone who seemed to be really injured. "Goodness, you really need to stop being so aggressive. You are turning out like Evan now.." Sally sighed in irritation, finishing up the stitches on his back arm. "Maybe he needs to stop being so lovely dovey with that nerd and having all those survivors gang up on him." Kenny laughed at the sentence Max had stated. Michael looked up at him with a glare, Max laughed as well. 

"You do know falling in love with someone in a trial is forbidden for us killers." Amanda patted Michael's good shoulder. "I need you to take off the mask, I won't be able to take care of your neck injury." Sally tugged on it gently for Michael to get a small idea. Michael shook his head no and Ana sighed. 

Stomping over she yanked the mask off of Michael's face. "There, now you can fix him up." She stated ignoring Michael's glares. Sally thanked her and continued her job. Herman came over to check up on his patient. After seeing Michael all fine and having him do mini things to make sure he was okay, he left. 

"So.. care to explain why you were in a trial for a good month or two?" Ana looked at Myers with a disappointed look, her voice spitting out anger. Michael looked at her and shrugged as his response. "Michael." She warned, walking up to him closer. "I.. I h-had him down in the h-house." Michael struggled to speak the sentence. It was enough for Ana to understand. 

"You hid one of the survivors downstairs in a house?" Ana asked a different question and Michael nodded. "You do know the entity is angry about that, right?" Myers looked down at his shoes, he nodded once again. "You won't be going into trials for a good while." Ana stated, patting Michael on the shoulder. She motioned for him to go get some rest and walked off. 

Michael walked off towards a tree away from camp, sitting by it, he watched the other killers talk to each other and wander about. He heard a couple of footsteps walk up to him, looking up he had saw Evan Macmillan. Evan looked down at him with a smirk. "Look Myers, You may think you are the tough shit but you aren't. You better watch yourself.." Evan kicked some dirt onto his face and left with a loud laugh. 

Michael shook the dirt off of himself and continued to watch the others. He ignored the threat Evan gave him, it didn't matter anyways. Hearing a couple of branches and twigs get stepped on, he quickly turned to look behind him. Dwight raised his hands up in defense, standing still. 

"I-I just came to see you.." Dwight stuttered and blushed. Michael tilted his head in confusion but decided to shrug it off. Turning back to look over the camp once again. Dwight took that as if that was okay. He quickly sat beside him, and let out a soft smile. 

"You aren't supposed to be here.." Michael mumbled pulling Dwight close to him after feeling him lean in. "I know but.. I missed you." The small nerd let out a small sigh, snuggling closer to the taller male. "You might get in trouble of any of them see you." Michael warned him about the other killers. 

"You are here with me, I don't care about them." Dwight pulled him in for a kiss. Michael smirked, wrapping his arms around the smaller boys waist. He deepened the kiss, biting his lower lip for entrance. Dwight gladly let him and their tongues danced. After a few minutes, Dwight pulled away. 

Heavy panting was heard from the two males. Dwight gave him a small smile. "I love you.." Michael let out a small chuckle, giving a small kiss on his forehead. "I love you too.. but you better get going. You need to rest." Dwight whined, clinging onto Michael. "I don't want to leave yet.." He pouted, snuggling closer. 

"You need to go." Michael demanded getting up from the floor. Dwight watched him and sighed. He quickly stood up and walked away. "You need to break up with that other boy." Myers told him, watching him leave. Dwight didn't bother to turn back nor reply. Michael watched his back; watched him leave and disappear into the forest. 

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