Chapter 18: New Change, New Beginnings

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The crows hawked as the camp was silenced. No one dared to make a conversation nor did they want to move. After Evan and Michael's little argument, everyone felt a little awkward. The atmosphere wasn't really that splendid after the killers came into the survivors camp either. Amanda sighed as she glared at Evan.

"You are a real idiot, you know that?" She spat, throwing down her pig mask and walking into the forest to check on Michael. Evan rolled his eyes as he walked away from the bonfire. Everyone stopped in their place as they heard the all to familiar whispers. Nea groaned out in annoyance.

"Are you serious? Out of all the times, we need to have a trial?!" She looked at her hand as it glowed. Looking over to the other survivor, she saw; Dwight's, Bill's, and Jane's hand light up. The four chosen survivors looked over at an arch way that opened up near the forest entrance.

"Watch us get Red Forest.." Nea sighed, walking through with Jane and Bill following behind her. Dwight looked back at Jake. The Saboteur let out a soft smile as he pulled him in. Nuzzling his nose, he gave Dwight a quick kiss before departing.

"Please be careful, I don't want to lose you again." Jake mumbled, holding onto the boy's glowing hands. Dwight looked down at their hands and had let out a soft smile.

"Alright.." Dwight gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked through the foggy arch way. Opening his eyes, he looked at his surroundings. Starting to walk, he heard the familiar sounds of the Red Forest. Letting out a shaky breath, he slowly walked over towards a generator. Sticking his hand inside the contraption, he started to do his work. Looking up at the pistols, there were four of them pumped at the fifth one was barely starting.

Hearing footsteps behind him, he turned to see Myers. Michael took off his mask and sat next the man who worked on the generator.

"You okay?.." Dwight asked, connecting the last wires and the generator was completed. Stepping back from it, he sat down and faced the killer. Michael simply let out a annoyed huff.

"Not really.. Evan has been pestering me about the way I act lately. He's been causing problems for me and Amanda as well." Michael turned to Dwight. Pulling the shorter male towards him, he nuzzled him. Letting out a soft smile, Dwight leaned into Michael's touch.

"Are we going to let the others do their own thing and leave or?.." The nervous leader asked as he looked up to Michael. The shape nodded, giving him a kiss on the nose.

"The entity said I can take it easy this trial since it's the first one from a while." Myers mumbled, planting loving kisses on Dwight's neck. Dwight frowned as he let Michael place kisses all over him. Pulling away, he stood up and looked down at Michael— who still sat on the ground.

"We shouldn't do this, I'm basically cheating on Jake if I do this.." The nerd nervously mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.

"Well.. who said he needs to know?" Michael hummed as he stood up. Sticking his hands into his jumpsuit pockets, he walked over to Dwight. The smaller male looked up at him and Michael let out a smirk. Having his hand caress Dwight's chin, he pulled the male into a small kiss.

"I'll be leaving my mask off for you from now on. Hopefully.. the entity will unite us at some point in time.." Michael kissed him once more, picking up the rubber mask off the floor and placed it on. Turning around, he walked off towards the main building of the Red Forest. Dwight watched his back as he disappeared into the misty fog. He turned back to see the generator he finished in the beginning of the trial and walked away from it.

Four generators have been enlighten as he continued to walk. Deciding that the last generator was going to be completed, he walked over to one of the exit gates. As expected, the last generator went off and he pulled down the lever of the exit gate. Looking up at the light bulbs, the first light blinked red. Turning his head, he heard the footsteps of Nea and Bill behind him.

"Where were you nerd? We haven't seen you all trial." Nea snarked, looking up at the lightbulbs blink a bright red. The alarm sounded and Dwight stepped back as the gate slid open with a creak.

"Sorry, I got lost in thought.." Dwight nervously mumbled. Looking over the two survivors, he raised a brow.

"Where's the new survivor, Jane?" He asked and Bill huffed. Rolling his eyes, he limped over to the exit. Nea followed behind him and Dwight turned to watch them leave to the campfire. Nea stopped in her tracks and let out a annoyed sigh.

"She's standing on hatch, Bill and her were fighting over it. She'll be fine as long as we leave now." Nea waved her hand and ran past the crumbled brick wall and into the campfire in the distance. Dwight turned back around to glance at the Red Forest. Furrowing his eyebrows, he ran past the brick wall and towards the campfire.

~ • ~ Perspective Change ~ • ~

"Michael what the hell?" Amanda shouted angrily. Michael sat back down on the ground as he watched Amanda pace around, agitated.

"You could've killed them, but you decided not to! Why?" Amanda plopped down on the ground in front of Michael and looked at him. Michael shrugged his shoulders as he played with his rubber mask that had laid on his lap.

"I.. I don't know, I'm confused myself. There was something inside me that told me not to do it.." Michael stated, annoyed that he couldn't understand it himself. Amanda watched him fidget around with his mask, her eyes widened in realization.

"Michael, where is your knife?" Amanda mumbled her question. Michael stopped playing with his mask and slowly looked up to Amanda. His long dirty blonde locks covering his scarred eye.

"I.. I don't know. I haven't seen it around. The trial I was in, I didn't have my knife either.."

"Oh my god Michael," Amanda gasped. Shuffling closer to Michael, she took his hand into hers. Giving a tight squeeze to them, she sadly looked up at him and continued her statement, "You are now a survivor."

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