Chapter 19: Small Dilemma

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Michael tried to process what was going on. Amanda's statement had echoed within his mind, he wasn't sure how to feel. Looking down at his hands, he noticed that they were shaking. He never felt them shaking in the first place. Should he be scared? Worried? He didn't know in all honesty. He felt a pair of hands grasp his own as he was lost in his own thoughts. He looked up to see Amanda give him a soft smile.

"We need to tell the others.." Amanda stated softly, sadly looking over at MIchael. Michael quickly yanked his hand back as he held it close to his chest. Looking down, Michael had lost himself in his thoughts. Amanda worriedly looked over at Michael.

"No, he is going to take advantage of this and harass us both." Michael looked at her. Letting out a soft sigh, she stood up and held out a hand to help Michael up. Accepting the hand, Amanda helped him up with ease. Startled, she took a few steps back.

"Okay.. You were as light as a feather.. Have you gotten shorter?" Amanda asked, inspecting Michael even further. The ex-killer mentally facepalmed himself. He was going to have to deal with Evan for sure now.

"Is it really that noticeable?" Michael asked as he removed the upper part of his jumpsuit. Tying the sleeves in a knot that hang on his waist. Amanda nodded quietly. Gesturing for him to follow, she led him back to the camp. Everyone grew quiet as the two of them walked in. Turning to look at the group of killers, Amanda noticed that Evan was looking right up at them. She muttered curses under her breath as she quickly grabbed his arm and led him over to the other side of the camp.

"Seems like one of our fellow killer has become a survivor.." Evan smirked when seeing Michael stop in his tracks. Clenching his fists in anger, he quickly turned around and walked up to Evan.

"Don't test me.." Michael responded to him, looking up at him with a glare. Evan snarled then let out a laugh.

"You don't scare me Myers. You have lost all your growth.. Shorty." Evan shoved the ex-killer and he ended up falling. Scraping his hand, he looked at it after feeling the pain; he felt himself get lifted off the ground. Grasping the hand that held him up by the shirt, he kicked and squirmed in the air.

"Hah, can't even put up a fight. You worthless piece of shit, no wonder your sister tried to kill you." Evan spat, throwing him down at the ground. Raising up his foot, Anna stepped in.

"Evan stop this nonsense.. You will be causing more problems, the Entity did this for a reason. There is no need to start a fight." Anna stood up, her voice raised as she spoke. Evan let out a huff as he kicked Michael who laid on the floor.

"Know your place, scum." Evan spat, giving one final kick before leaving Michael groaning in pain on the floor. Amanda rushes over to the collapsed male on the floor. Picking him up, she led him away from the camp and into their original hang out spot.

"Oh god, I'm sorry Michael! I didn't expect that to happen.." Amanda quickly apologized as she sat Michael down onto the ground.

"I-It's fine, I'll manage." Michael responded, grunting in pain as he sat up properly to lean against the tree. Hearing a pair of rustling bushes, Amanda quickly got up and stood in front of Michael.

The all too familiar botanist poked her head out of the bushes as looked at the two. Awkwardly putting her hands up in the air, she held a med-kit in one. Amanda huffed as she let her continue towards them. Claudette had let out a soft smile as she approached the ex-killer.

"May I see?.." Claudette whispered quietly, gesturing towards Michael. Nodding, she walked over to him and bent down. Placing down her med-kit, she opened it and inspected Michael for any injuries.

"You have scrapped your forearm as you fell... a few visible bruises, but time will heal." Claudette mumbled, taking out a bandage and a roll of gauge. Taking out the septic, she ripped a piece of the gauge and dabbed the gauge in the septic.

"This might sting a little, but bare with me." Claudette warned, dabbing the septic filled gauge onto the scrapped skin. Michael let out a loud hiss as he flinched during the treatment.

"I'm sorry.." She quickly apologized. Placing the septic and ripped gauge aside, she picked up the roll and looked up at the ex-killer.

"I'm going to need you to raise up your arm so I can properly place this." Claudette ordered, awaiting for Michael to do as he was told. Giving a seconds to think about it, he raised his arm and had let Claudette wrap the roll of gauge over his scraped skin.

She finished bandaging it up with a small knot at the end. Michael lowered his arm and watched Claudette pack up her stuff. Amanda awkwardly watched her as well; looking back at Michael, who inspected his bandaged wound.

"Thank you, Claudette." Amanda quietly bowed her head to the small botanist and Claudette let out a soft smile. Standing up, she picked up the med-kit and fixed her glasses.

"You are welcome. If you need any tips on knowing how to survive trials and learn new moves, go talk to Dwight. He can help you." Claudette waved goodbye as she walked back towards the camp. Michael watched her back along with Amanda.

"You should go talk to the boy. The sooner you talk to him, the more prepared you are for your first trial as a survivor." Amanda looked down at Michael in concern.

"It'll be difficult. His boyfriend and I aren't exactly on good terms.." The bondie huffed out in annoyance and Amanda let out a sigh.

"Just go and talk to him, you all need to start working together during trails.." Amanda patted his shoulder and left him alone to think in the woods.

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