Chapter 17: A Different Perspective

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Feeling his body was simply marvelous. The way his soft voice echoed in the room we laid at, his hand gripping the silky white bed sheets. Trailing my hands down his chest as I left trails of kisses and hickey's over his neck, I felt him grab a hold of my blonde hair. Feeling the gentle tugs made me more aroused and want the boy even more.

"M-Michael..~" I turned to look up at him. The lust in this boy eyes are clearly shown. Letting out a soft hum, I felt him cup my cheeks and pull me towards him.

"Wake up.."

The masked figure sat up from the tree he rested by. Looking up, he saw Amanda staring at him. She didn't have her mask on, her jet black hair was slicked back into a pony tail, she still wore her bloody coat.

"Finally you woke up, I have been trying to wake you up for a good while now." She chuckled, bending down to sit across from him. Michael tilted his head slightly in confusion. Amanda let out a small laugh.

"C'mon, you are allowed to be open with your best friend." She patted his knee in reassurance. Michael let out a soft sigh and slipped off his mask. Placing off to the side of him, he let his blonde strands fall on his face.

"You look like shit.." Amanda stated as she shuffled around.

"I know, I feel a bit weird." Michael mumbled in response. Amanda stared at him as she awaited for a response. Looking down at his lap, he began to speak up once again.

"I usually don't sleep, but it was different today. I actually dreamt of something; not exactly something, but someone." Amanda raised a brow.

"You aren't telling me something.." The tall male huffed out as he made eye contact with his best friend.

"I felt something for that person, it was a weird connection. Lately, my heart has been playing with me.. I think.. I may have something for that boy." Michael awkwardly looked away from Amanda. She let out a soft chuckle at his actions.

"It's okay to have feelings. The entity is probably okay with it, we haven't gone into trials in a long while." Amanda patted her friends back. Michael stared at the camp filled with survivors and killers. The group of survivors were still scared of the killers that came into the camp. The rest of Michael's fellow friends had been doing their usual thing, laughing about with each other, telling stories of their past life.

Averting his gaze away from the crowed bonfire, his eyes landed on a particular couple. Michael's heart began to pound as he saw the nerd. Admiring his features, he had felt a bit sad. How can that Saboteur get a guy like him? He isn't worthy enough, he isn't— "Michael!"

Michael snapped out of his thoughts, looking back over towards Amanda, he sighed. "Sorry, I was just thinking." Amanda removed the mask that laid on her lap to the side, making direct eye contact, she looked at Michael.

"You really did fall for the boy, didn't you?" Michael turned to look off.

"It's against my morals to like someone that I kill, but in our trials, I let him live.." Michael stood up from where he had sat, Amanda doing the same s well. Grabbing his mask, he slipped it on and stared at the woman next to him. He nodded his head once she had placed her mask on. They both walked over towards the bonfire filled with survivors and killers.

"Oh look, Thing 1 and Thing 2 decided to join us." Evan turned to look over at them and laughed. The rest of the killers giggled as their attention was averted to Amanda and Michael.

"You should've made our camp away from theirs, they aren't used to us being here yet." Amanda looked over to a few of the victims that awkwardly sat there.

"Awe, it'll be fine! They did get a warning they we were becoming their new roommates." Philip snarled toward Claudette and she fell off her seat in fright. Anna glared at Philip.

"Amanda is right, you shouldn't terrorize them. Seeing us in trials is enough for them." Anna turned to look at Amanda and gave her a wink. Amanda smiled over to her girlfriend. Evan let out a small huff.

"You shouldn't get so close to her Anna, Amanda has been getting really close with Michael recently." The rest of the killers started whispering while the survivors stared at the drama that's about to erupt.

"What do you mean by, she is getting to close to Michael? They are best friends, they would never do such a thing." Anna looked over to Amanda with a frown.

"Mhm, they were hugging earlier. Didn't you see?"


"It's quite obvious that they have some sort of affair."

Michael being irritated, walked up to Evan. As the male continued to talk, Michael's hand had formed a fist. Evan turned to look at Michael right when the fist connected to his face. Stumbling back, Evan cupped his bruised cheek in anger.

"What the fuck, Myers?" Evan growled as his voice was laced in venom. Michael stared at him, grabbing a hold of his kitchen knife. Walking over towards him, he grabbed him by the overalls and lifted him up.

"Me and Amanda don't have any sort of affair going on. Me and her are just friends, it's not my fault you don't have anyone to love you or pity you. Don't involve me in any of your stupid games, I have had enough of you. Mess with her again and you will get it next time." Michael pushed Evan to the ground. Evan looked up at him a bit stunned and angry.

The male turned to look at the couple who worriedly stared at him. Turning his back, he walked into the woods to get rid of his bottled up anger. 

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