Chapter 11: Desparate Cries

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It's been months since anyone has seen Dwight Fairfield. Everyone assumed he went to the killer side or died, except for Jake. He didn't believe all the rumors that were spread around. He didn't want to accept the fact that Dwight was dead. After the trial on ColdWind Farms, he never came back.

Jake kept his distance away from the group, planning and thinking of ways to search for him. Jake was very friendly with Anna, who was known as Huntress in trials. Anna instantly told him that she never saw the nerd there nor has she seen Michael. Jake had grown suspicious. Maybe Michael kept him there?

Maybe he actually did kill him.. Jake shook his head in irritation. He saw Laurie and Detective Tapp come out of their tents. The entity always summoned three survivors to a trial, and the place so happened to be at ColdWind Farm. It was always the same killer, Michael Myers. Jake thought deeply about it, a fourth survivor was never called out.

Maybe Dwight is alive.. Jake had thought to himself looking over towards the group that were already walking over towards the gateway. He quickly walked into the gateway, looking around he felt the killers presence. Jake usually kept away from anyone during trials, he thought it was for the best. He walked over towards hooks, starting to sabotage anything.

He heard huffing of a female run by. The generator next to him starting to run, Jake walked over to help her finish it up. "Tapp told me that there was someone stuck inside the basement." Laurie shifted some gears together. "It explains why only three people are summoned into a trial." Jake mumbled connecting the final wires together.

The generator roared to life, and the two backed away from it. Laurie looked around towards the crops, "Michael is out on the crops crouched?" Laurie looked over in confusion, Jake rose a brow. "Did you get enough sleep or are you just fucking with me?" Jake shook his head in disappointment. Before he could walk out, Laurie grabbed his arm.

"He is heading back into the basement." She led him towards the house. "Laurie.. I don't want to be included in any of your gam— Shut up and just listen." Laurie interrupted Jake mid sentence. There was a lot of talking downstairs, Laurie looked back at Jake. He ended up taking the lead, he led them both down the stairs. Each step they took creaked.

Jake hesitated to walk any further after seeing the meat hook down there. He was very confused as to why there was so many stuff down here. Laurie pushed him a bit forward signaling him to keep walking. "D-Don't touch me!" The voice was very familiar to him, it gave him butterflies in his stomach. It certainly couldn't be Dwight..

A lot of movement and muffles were heard. Jake turned the corner slowly, he couldn't believe his eyes.(Ten million fireflies~) Michael was all over Dwight, his mask and knife on the floor. Laurie walked around to see what was going on and gasped. Myers instantly turned around, his eyes a dark blue color and his mouth twitched. Dwight had his mouth covered by Michael's hand to prevent any sound from coming out, his eyes held back the tears that threatened to fall.

All sorts of cuts and bruises were on the small nerd. Jake wasn't sure of what to do in the situation, Laurie on the other hand was quick to act. She yanked on his arm, and pulled him away. Michael quickly stood up, not bothering to grab his knife or mask. He followed the two out the steps and hunted them down.

"I'll distract Michael and you go get Dwight. Tapp is finishing up the last generator!" Laurie yelled and ran back into the scene. Jake stopped in his tracks as the last generator went off. "Dwight is alive.." Jake mumbled to himself trying to process the information. He physically slapped himself, looking over towards the house. Jake quickly ran.

He ran as fast as he could, vaulting over dropped pallets outside and running up the steep steps. He looked down into the basement and ran down, ignoring all the creaking and creepy atmosphere. He turned the corner where he had seen his long lost fiancé.

He was hurt at Dwight's state. Seeing his poor baby struggle to pick himself up, his arms shaking from supporting his body weight. Jake quickly ran over to him, quickly grabbing his arm and placing it over his shoulder. "C'mon Dwight, I'm getting you out of here." Jake helped Dwight up and walked out the basement. He was walking very slow and making sure Dwight wasn't groaning in pain within the long walk.

"Oh Jake.. I thought I was never going to see you again.." The nerd choked on his sentence, his voice cracking. Tears started to stream down his pale face. Jake gulped back a few tears, he looked up towards the exit gate that was coming up ahead. Tapp merged from the crops and helped out Jake. "God, he is a mess. Glad you found the kid though." The detective slowed down his pace, which made him feel uneasy but he had made an exception.

Michael came out from the crops, his eyes burning with furry. "C'mon kid, we gotta walk faster." Tapp sped-walked and Jake caught up with his pace. Michael came up from behind Jake and tackled him to the ground. The three collapsed from the sudden attack Myers had did. Tapp quickly got up and picked up the unconscious nerd that laid still on the floor.

Michael was breathing heavily, his hands found its way to the nature boy's neck. His grip tightened and his eyes became dark, the devil was unleashed. Tapp was able to make it out with Dwight, but where was Laurie? Did she leave? Sacrificed even? It all didn't matter to Jake, he was glad that Dwight was finally found.

Laurie screeched jumping onto Michael's back, she had pulled out a sharp object from her jeans. She stabbed it against Michael's neck, the tall male groaned in pain and anger. He let go of Jake who was in a coughing fit and regained his breath. "Go! I'll cover you!" Laurie ordered Jake who was already stumbling out towards the gate. Laurie instantly got off the angered male and followed Jake.

"Laurie c'mon!" Jake yelled at her between coughs. "I said go!" Laurie dived into the exit, Michael stayed behind watching. Kicking the claws that blocked him from going any further. 

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