Chapter 15: Regretting Thoughts

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It's been weeks since Jake and Dwight made any sort of contact to each other. Jake would sneak in some glimpses here and there, but would never personally talk to him. Dwight hasn't talked to his best friend, Claudette either. He preferred to keep to himself and stay away from everyone. The only one he had ever opened up to in a while was Michael. Dwight questioned himself why he would ever talk to Michael in the first place.

He assumed there was some sort of bond between the two of them; as if they have a strong connection to one another. He sighed as he quickly shook the thought away. Dwight hasn't been summoned into trials lately.

Come to think of it.. no one has been called into trials. Possibly the entity is giving everyone a break? Dwight sighed as he walked away from the crowded campfire. After the whole break-up with Jake, a few of the survivors looked down at him.

In all honesty, Dwight didn't give much attention to what they would say about him. He turned to look back at the group he used to be so close with. He thought it was for the best; to close himself off from any sort of contact with those who he had deeply cared about.

Breaking up with his ex-fiancé was apart of that reason too, but he regretted the decision. Leaning against the tree, he awkwardly played with the bark. He didn't know what to do, how to speak to the others. He didn't want to be in charge anymore, he didn't want to be the leader for the group anymore.

All he ever did was lead them to their demise. The entity not calling any of them into trials had helped him collect his thoughts and reflect on his actions.

"If you weren't such an idiot, maybe then you would've been happily married with Jake by now. Why have such a long and strong love for him just to let him go like that in the end?"

"It's not like that.. I did it for his own good. Michael treats me right.. He also loves me, I know it." Dwight told himself. He sat down on the ground, mumbling to himself. He wasn't sure if he should listen to his conscious.

"If Michael had loved you, how come he had hurt you? He had hid you from your friends, kept you away from the light. You even have scars from how he had treated you. Why lie to yourself?"

"That's all a lie. You are just making stuff up. He helped me through everything, made me forget everything. These scars are him showing his love. He protected me." Dwight lowly yelled at himself. He attempted to push away his consciousness. It was making him more insane anyways..

"Michael will eventually get tired of you. He will end up killing you off, deep down you know. If you didn't, I wouldn't be here."

His consciousness had a point. If he truly didn't believe it, then why argue to himself about it? He sadly looked over towards Jake. He had sat alone, David next to him. David would always constantly beg Jake to come to the campfire and talk to the others.

Jake would always end up declining him. There would be certain times where he would go, but it was usually only to stare at the bonfire and listen in on everyone conversations.

"Look Jake, you gotta come join our group. Keeping to y'er self isn't healthy mate." David scratched his beard as he awkwardly looked off towards the group. Jake ignored him as he continued to work on his tools. David sighed as he stood up.

"C'mon, I'm y'er best bud. I'm just tryina look out for ya.. I'll be here whenever ye need someone." The fighter patted his shoulder and walked off. Jake rolled his eyes as he aggressively unscrewed the small handle of the hook he had.

"Be there for me my ass.. no one has ever been there for me.." Jake mumbled. Being lost in his angered thoughts, he had accidentally cut himself with the screwdriver he held.

"God damn it!" Jake threw his tools down onto the ground. He angrily looked over at his cut, it wasn't deep enough to cause an infection but it did hurt him.

"You should be more careful.. we haven't been in trials as of lately and wounds out of trials may be permanent." Jake turned around soon after the voice was heard. He instantly regretted his decision. Dwight awkwardly stood there. Once Jake looked at him, he had stared at the floor.

"What do you want?.." Jake mumbled as he ripped off his scarf. Dwight sat on the ground next to the log Jake sat at. He watched as Jake placed his scarf around his hand.

"You aren't cleaning the blood off properly, covering it up won't make it go away." Dwight stated as he took out some bandages, he carefully made his way to Jake in attempt to help him. Jake only glared at him and Dwight backed up.

"Sorry, I was just trying to help." Dwight quickly apologized as he placed them off to the side. Jake looked down at his scattered tools and started to pick them up.

"I'm sorry for what I did.. I'm just so confused and don't know what to do anymore. Not being called into trials helped me reflect on my mistakes. I shouldn't have done that to you, you didn't deserve all the pain and suffering I had put you through. Please forgive me.." Dwight quickly poured out his thoughts, feelings taking a toll half way through his apology. Jake held the screwdriver in his hand, giving a hard glare at it, he sighed.

"It's a little late for a apology, don't c'ya think?" Jake turned to look at him with a soft smile. He tried his best to hold back the tears threatening to fall out. Dwight choked on his own saliva, letting the tears stream down his cheeks.

Repeating apologies were the only words coming out of Dwight's mouth. Jake let out a shaky breath and pulled Dwight in for a tight embrace.

"I forgive you babe.. I forgive you.."

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