Chapter 6: Entity's Beginning Trial

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Michael had carried the limped nerd down the stairs of the Strode Residence. The nerd had given up fighting long time ago. He was more worried about Jake's safety than his. The horrible memories of Jake screaming in agony due to the hook being impaled through his shoulder, his partner having his head bashed into. A few sniffles were the only sound heard throughout the house. 

Michael had walked over towards one of the corners of the dark basement. It had a small red glow to it, making the place a bit more spooky. Michael carefully placed his cute little nerd down onto the ground. He made sure he was comfortable enough to stay there till the trial is all done and dealt with. 'The entity said I could keep a prize if I successfully kill all survivors this trial. And I chose him.' The psycho killer smiled, a pink tint of blush appearing in his face. 

Dwight had sat there, his figure looking lifeless. His eyes losing all color, after everything he has seen for the past week had been chaotic and stressful. He couldn't deal with anything anymore. Michael looked over towards him with a slight frown. He lifted up his mask a bit, his soft rosy lips revealed. Dwight looked over towards the taller male, instantly snapping back into reality. 

He shrieked putting his arms up in defense. He shielded his head, his body huddled close towards the wall that kept him locked in place. "P-Please don't hurt me!" His voice cracked as he begged for mercy. Michael coughed a bit, "I am not going to hurt you." He reassured trying to reach to him. Dwight flinched, his eyes closing from the tender touch. 

Michael twitched a bit, sighing in Irritation he stood up. Placing his mask back on properly, he walked out tightly gripping his kitchen knife handle. Dwight had stayed in place, afraid of what would happen next. He knew he had to leave, he had to go help Jake. He shakingly got up from the corner of the darkened basement. He walked over towards the staircases. He slowly walked up. 

Each step he took creaked louder than the last. Finally out of the basement he turned the corner to see the door detached from the front of the house. Without a second thought, he ran out. He didn't dare look back at the residence, not look at the weird light poles, the meat hooks. His lungs were burning up from the nonstop running he did. The nerd finally reached the exit gates. 

He aggressively banged on the metal door, calling out for help. He looked over towards the switch, he went over and tried to yank it down. It didn't budge at all, he tried harder but failed. "God damn it, why isn't it opening?!" He yelled at himself, punching the metal gate. He groaned in pain, he rubbed his knuckles. He sighed shakingly, his breath foggy from the cold. 

"I need to find Jake.." He mumbled to himself for comfort. His legs proceeded to guide him towards each meat hook. Checking to see if Jake had still been hanged there. He sighed in relief, knowing Jake wasn't hooked anymore was good. But it did scare him since he didn't know where he was wandering about with that injury on his shoulder. 

He felt a small tap on his shoulder behind him. He quickly turned around, once he saw who it was he smiled instantly. "C-Claudette!" He yelped and pulled her into a hug. "Oh Dwi! I had missed you all so much.." She returned the hug letting out a few tears. "How did you end up here?" The nerd asked while pulling away from the hug. 

Claudette sighed, she fixed up her glasses and guided her best friend away from the open space. "Me and Megan were roaming around after setting up camp and we found this weird looking gate with some claws." She paused and looked up at the shaken up nerd. "And we ended up stuck here.." She continued on. 

Dwight sighed and nodded. "It's the same thing with me and Jake. But we just came out of a car crash a week ago." Claudette gasped, "Oh goodness, are you both okay?!" She asked suddenly and checked Dwight for serious injures. "We are fine.. I'm just worried about Jake.. After that whole incident with that psycho killer, I had lost him." He mumbled the last part sadly, looking down at his feet. "I wish I could've done something to help." He angerily told himself. 

Claudette sighed, "Jake is fine Dwi. Don't worry, Megan was with Jake after we saw you gotten taken. I came to look for you as well." Claudette patted him and gave him a small smile. Dwight had smiled back and nodded. "Uhm.. do you know how we get out of this hell hole?" He asked, following Claudette towards the weird light pole. 

"Based on my understanding so far, we do these generators. After a generator has been completed we move on until we finish all five generators. After the five are completed, we open the metal gates which is an exit gate, there are two within this place." She explained the basics and Dwight took a mental note of it. 

Claudette was already working on the generator that they had walked towards three minutes ago. Dwight helped her out and smiled. He knew what he was doing, all his engineering classes really did pay off. "Hm, okay leader, I see how you work." Claudette teased which made the nerd blush. 'Leader.. I doubt I am one..' He thought to himself, he accidentally misplaced a gear and it blew up on his face. 

He flinched and instantly got off the generator. "Dwight, we gotta go!" Claudette screamed, yanking him off the floor. "W-Why?" He quickly asked and rushed to get off the floor. "Didn't I tell you to stay down there?" It was the one and only Michael Myers behind them.

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