Chapter 3: Unknown Figure

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It has been sixteen hours since they had left home. There was occasional stops for restroom breaks, food, and to refill on gas. Jake was asleep on the passenger's seat while Dwight was driving. He was currently on the phone with Claudette who was also driving on her end. "Are you sure we are going to the right place?" The nerd had asked, worriedly looking over towards the dark road ahead of him. There was a small chuckle on the other end of the line.

"We will be fine, I had gave you the proper directions. Plus, we are coming up to Haddonfield within an hour or two." She stated. Dwight had let out a tired sigh. "Jake isn't even awake yet.. He has been asleep for the past 4 hours." He informed Claudette who was talking to someone else in the background. "S-Sorry Dwi, I'm talking to Meg. She just woke up right now, I'll call you back!" The line went silent and the nerd sighed. He threw his phone to the side of him.

He focused back onto the road ahead of him. He squinted looking over to a sign. It had some dim lights shining on the billboard, which had read: "Welcome to Haddonfield! 64 Miles away." Dwight had shaken his head to see some blood on the board? He looked over confused but decided to shrug it off. He had heard a slight groan coming from his right side. He turned to look over towards his partner who was already waking up from his long nap.

"Good morning, sleepyhead~" Dwight called, his voice soothing. Jake sat up to fix the passenger seat. "It's not even morning.." Jake managed to mumble, rubbing his tired eyes. "I know, it was a joke.." Dwight had stated, he heard a small groan coming from Jake. He glanced over to see him going through the bag of snacks they had packed for the road. Jake finally found a bag of chips and started to munch on them.

While Jake was eating, something very tall and dark caught his attention on the road ahead of them. He shook Dwight who had let out a small 'hm?' in response. "Don't you see that white, looking thing over there?" He asked, pointing over towards the figure in the road. Dwight squinted to see the figure start walking toward them. "S-Should I keep driving or pull over?" The nervous leader had asked, his gaze not leaving the white shadowy figure.

"Keep driving, that thing will have to move eventually." Jake stated still munching on some chips left in his bag. Dwight had done what he was told, his glasses starting to slip from his face due to the nervous look around toward the figure ahead. The white masked figure still stood tall and proud. He pulled out a medium sized kitchen knife. His hand tightly grasping the handle of the knife. Dwight had widen his eyes in shock.

"Is he holding a weapon?!" He shrieked. Soon after, the mysterious figure had thrown the knife with a accurate hit towards the drivers window. The two high schoolers had screamed in horror, having the front car window all cracked, a sharp knife impaled through the the drivers window. Dwight had swerved off road and onto a hill. The steep hill had made the car turn and rolled down. Soon after, the car was flipped upside down.

Jake was the first one to regain consciousness from the incident. He turned to look over at the drivers seat with hazed eyes, which had widened in shock. He breathed heavily and took off the seatbelt. He carefully laid down to kick the passenger seat door open. He quickly crawled out and limped to the drivers door, he struggled to yank it open. Once the door was finally open, he crawled in to unbuckle Dwight's seatbelt. He worriedly looked over towards the knife that was imapled through the car window.

"Oh god please.." He silently begged and managed to drag his lover out of the crushed car. The fluffed hair male had felt a tear roll down his cheek. He checked for a pulse and sighed in relief. The breathing was normal, Jake had taken off his jacket, placing it over Dwight. He sighed looking over the wounds they both had, bad cuts from the broken glass. Jake had limped back towards the car to see if he could find any sort of medical equipment they packed.

It took him a couple of minutes but he had managed to find a medical-kit. Jake walked back towards the unconscious male on the floor. He opened up the kit and pulled out a couple of bandages and strings. He pulled out a needle and tied the strings together. Rolling down the jacket that laid on top of his boyfriend, he began to stitch up his arm. The cuts and gashes were worse on the nerd than him. Once he finished stitching it up, he moved down towards his leg.

He ended up bandaging both his leg and arm. There was also another cut on his jaw but Jake decided to pat the cut till it stopped bleeding. Once he finished with Dwight, he tended his own wounds. The white masked figure had stood behind a tree, looking over the two silently. His eyes averted towards the small cute male that laid on the floor. He felt his chest pound, his cheeks feeling warm.

He shook it off, frowning. He felt kind of bad for causing the crash in the first place. He watched the fluffed male stand up and limped away into the woods. The tall figure walked towards the accident and looked over the car. He found his precious kitchen knife and ended up pulling it out of the shattered window. He looked over towards the sleeping male, a smirk was let out from under his mask. He is glad that they have arrived at his little home. He had some little rats to play with now.

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