Chapter 16: Two into One

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"Not going into trails is really making everyone go nuts.." Nea mumbled as she took a hold of her girlfriends hand. Intertwining their fingers, Laurie leaned into Nea.

"Well, I wouldn't blame 'em, the entity might be planning somethin' big.." David shifted in his seat, he tried not to awake the sleeping boy that laid on his lap.

"I heard that both camps might combine into one." Laurie spoke up from her seat. David let out a small chuckle.

"That's a nice joke mate." Laurie shook her head at David. The bearded man stopped laughing as he looked at Laurie seriously.

"This is nothing to be joking around about right now.." Nea looked over at David seriously as well.

"Yeah, it's a little late for the news now." A Russian voice was heard behind the group. Taking off her bunny mask, she sat beside them with a soft smile.

"Damn it, scared the shit outta me Anna.." David nervously chuckled. The Huntress hummed and softly nudged David's arm.

"Are you guys already here?" Laurie interrupted their friendly introductions. Anna nodded in response.

"I came here to warn you guys. Don't get me wrong, the rest of the killers are nice, but they have a short temper. Especially since the legion kids came in." Anna sighed at the mentioning of the new group of killers.

"It isn't so nice to announce our arrival so early, Anna.. It ruins the fun!" A voice was heard as the invisible figure picked up the sleeping boy by the legs. Quentin quickly woke up, looking at the others in confusion to why they were all upside down.

"Put the boy down, Philip." Anna demanded Philip to do so when seeing David's angered expression.

"Oh, fine.." Philip dropped him and David dove to catch Quentin. Nea and Laurie looked at each other in worry.

"This isn't going to turn out very well.." Laurie whispered at Nea. She sighed and patted her girlfriends leg.

"As long as they leave me alone, I'm okay with it." Nea warned, making sure her voice was loud enough for Anna and Philip to hear. Philip chuckled at the threat.

"It's not like you have a saying in this." Nea groaned in annoyance. Sighing, she stood up with Laurie and walked off.

"Hey David.. How is Jake? Me and him haven't talked in a while.. I'd like to check in with him." Anna looked over at David who finished yelling at Philip. Holding onto Quentin protectively, he looked over towards Anna.

"Jake is doing better now.. Finally talkin' to us now." David nuzzled Quentin who desperately tried to go back to sleep.

"Hm.. don't forget that he is chatting with the nerd brain over there again." Quentin rolled off of David's lap and laid on the ground. David rolled his eyes, rubbing Quentin's floofed hair, he let out a small snort at his boyfriends pleads.

"Ya better keep that Myers guy away from Jake, he has been through som' tuff stuff involvin' him. Don't want any sort of discomfort on me best friend and his lover ova' there." David scratched his beard and looked over at Anna. The Huntress nodded in understanding.

"I could try, no guarantee that I could keep him away for ever. He does his own thing." Anna stood up, giving a small smile down at the two boys.

"But if anything happens, you can call me over." Anna placed her bunny mask back on and walked on over towards the other killers.

"Dwight, there isn't anything to be afraid of." Claudette tried to reassure her best friend. Giving small back rubs, he shook his head.

"No! What if he messes up everything for me and Jake? We just got back together, I can't lose him again!" Dwight begged, desperate to not get his boyfriend involved anymore. Letting out a soft sigh, Claudette pulled the boy in for a hug.

"Don't worry about it too much, if you ignore him and focus on your friends, everything will be fine. I know it's hard to have the killers all in one camp with us, but it won't be to bad.." Claudette nervously smiled at the last part of her statement. Once she felt Dwight pull away, she stopped embracing him and gave a warm smile.

"Thanks Claudette, I appreciate the comfort." Dwight blushed and Claudette nodded. Crawling out of the tent, he saw Jake standing and waiting patiently by the tent. Jake looked over towards the group of killers that all stood and chatted with each other. One particular killer caught his eye. Furrowing his eyebrows, he grumbled low insults about the taller physco.

"You okay, babe?" Dwight poked at his shoulder, unsure of how to approach the Saboteur. Jake gave a small nod, shaking his thoughts away, he looked back at his boyfriend.

"Isn't it odd how the hunters and the hunted are all in one camp?" Jake asked as he locked his hands together with Dwight's. The nerd simply looked down not sure of how to answer Jake's question. The Saboteur nodded his head as he removed his hands to gently grab a hold of Dwight's cheeks. Tilting his head to make him look up at him, he leaned in to give him a passionate kiss.

Dwight leaned in, deepening the kiss. Jake pulled away, leaning his forehead against Dwight's. The nerd gave a soft smile as he nudged Jake with his nose. The Saboteur let out a small chuckle before placing another kiss on his cheek.

"We should go check on the others, they might not like how the situation is right now." Dwight suggested and looked over to the bonfire filled with his group mates.

"They will be fine, it's not the end of the world anyways.." Jake mumbled his statement, letting out a small laugh at how ridiculous it sounded.

"That's one way to put it, I guess." Dwight hugged Jake, nuzzling his face into his chest for comfort.

"C'mon babe, lets just go to our tent. We could at least sleep a decent amount now since there isn't any trials anymore." Jake led them over to the tent they shared. Letting his boyfriend go in first, he turned back around to the group of killers.

Making eye contact with the tall male in the mask, he turned back around and went into his tent.

My Sweet ObssessionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora