Chapter 4: Small Glimpses

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I had looked around, seeing a couple of colorful but faded barrels. I leaned against it, my breath hitched in worry and fear. I wasn't sure where the others were, I had lost them due to a scary being chasing us. After regaining my breath, I had slowly crouched my way out of hiding. I had stuck to the corners of the walled area.

It was my only chance to survive longer. It never looks beyond the outskirts of the center. I heard the pumping of an engine happening between a wodden wall. I turned the corner to see someone working on it. "C-Clauddy?.." No response was heard, the awkward sound of the engine roaring to life. She didn't turn to look at me.

A few seconds later the hideous being was shown in front of my best friend. He grabbed her by the throat, taking out his sharp weapon and jabbing it through her chest. Then again, hearing a horrible shriek. My eyes widen in fear, my legs felt like jelly and I couldn't move. I was frozen in place, watching the scene unfold in front of my innocent eyes. I watched him throw my friends body to the ground as it was nothing.

Her brown, cheerful eyes are now dull and grey. He turned to look up to me and I fell to my knees. I didn't bother to look at the figure standing in front of me, I felt him walking towards me. From the corner of my eye I had seen him bent down in front of me. Leaning in close to my ear, hearing his deep voice echo, "I will see you soon my sweet obsession.~"

Jake had turned to hear his partner sit up quickly with a grunt of pain. Jake rushed over and placed his hand over Dwight's chest. "Don't make any sudden movements. You are still recovering from the accident." Jake looked over in worry, seeing his face all pale and ghostly. It was a very scary sight to see.

"I-I saw it.. I was scared. I saw Clauddy get killed! Right in front of my eyes!" He cried out loud, tears threatening to escape. The fluffed haired male had sighed. He pulled Dwight in for a gentle embrace. Dwight had quietly weeped, hiding his face into the shoulder of the older male. "I don't want my best friend to die.." he stuttered between sobs, which only made Jake hold him tighter.

"You had a nightmare, I am sure she is fine. She is a tough girl after all." Jake reassured, Dwight sighed shakingly before pulling away from the hug. "Uhm, thanks Jake.." The nerd looked at his lover to see him nod. He slightly nodded back and continued to talk, "I have a question to ask you, if you don't mind?" He fidgeted and looked down.

He heard Jake shuffle a bit. He turned to look up at his partner, Jake was near the destroyed upside down car. Dwight was awestruck. He quietly thought to himself, 'how can someone survive THAT?!' Jake pulled out a few items from the car and proceeded to walk back to Dwight. "Go ahead and ask." He stated bluntly. The nerd looked over at the items Jake had been holding.

"H-How long has it been?" Dwight squeaked with a shy tone. "Three Days and four hours." He responded and pulled out a few medical equipment. Jake motioned for Dwight to roll up his sleeve. Dwight had did what we was told. Holding out his arm, he decided it would have been easier to just slip of his shirt which he did.

"It's your left arm." Jake stated and Dwight had taken off his left sleeve, he worriedly looked over at his arm. "What happened to my arm?" The question was shrugged off when Jake had begun changing the bandage. The nerd kept his attention to his wounded arm, seeing the horrible gash he had once the bandages were off. He wrinkled his nose in concern.

"W-Was this from the accident?" Dwight blurted out and Jake nodded as his response. "You can put your sleeve back up." He stated, already finished cleaning up the wound and bandaging it up again. Dwight had placed his shirt on properly, he squinted looked over towards the forest. He saw a white masked figure standing there and staring at them. He swore he wasn't seeing things.

Dwight turned to look at Jake and back at the forest. The figure wasn't there at all, he rubbed his eyes and looked over towards the forest again. "I must be seeing things.." He mumbled to himself, placing the palm of his hand on his forehead to check for a fever. He laid back and turned to look at Jake once more.

Jakes back was turned to him, Dwight frowned. He missed the comfort of his lover, the cute little nicknames. It may have been three days without interacting with him but he feels very.. Distant with him. Dwight turned, he looked over towards the dark forest. He saw the white masked figure once again. 'Isnt that the monster from my dream?' The nerd thought to himself. His eyes widened in fear, it was him. The monster that had haunted his dream. The one that killed his best friend.

Dwight was too afraid to look away. Feeling the smirk the figure was giving him sent shivers down his spine. His eyes began to water, his body trembled. Soon the figure started walking towards their little camp. Dwight shook his head violently. "For the love of god.. please no.." he repeatedly begged. The figure bent down in front of the scared nerd. He chuckled, resting his kitchen knife to the side of him.

"I told you I would see you soon, my sweet.. adorable nerd.~" The deep husky voice was heard. The figure caressed Dwight's pale face. Dwight had shook, he felt cold and empty. His tears now streaming down his rosy cheeks. The masked psycho had hummed. "Don't worry, the Entity will let us soon be together. Be patient.." He whispered, with a small smirk. And with that, the figure was gone.

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