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When the ship USS Travis has loaded all the 6 survivors, the commandant comes on the board to speak to me  :

"Dragoness Darann, you have a choice to do now you flee like a beast and stay free or you go to the base immediately.  You are under arrest.  A federal investigator will meet you at the base for interrogation. 

Normally I have to put you in the ship but with your size it will capsize.  So if it remains some humanity in you, go straight to the base. If you are not there tomorrow midnight, we are considering you as runaway or a beast to hunt.    "

Me: "Ok Captain, I go to the base."

So, very beaten down by the accusations and getting a hateful look from Audrey and  Henri, and the loss of father John, I get to the air and go straight to the naval base.


flap non energetic,

I loose altitude slowly and let me crash in the water at the base and swim like a big alligator between ships .

Then, at the dock, I crawl out the water and walk slowly to the air base. Head down.

Marines are staring at me and stop only to ask advise with their comrades.


I hear one soldier to an other : "It's a disgrace!"

Another one " We'll finish like the poor girl if this monster senses our blood!"


Then I arrive alone to the hangar where some MP and an inspector with a desk was waiting for me.

I enter and the door close behind me.

The inspector was a woman with civil suit, beige color.

"I'm Inspector Parish, Sgt Darann, please lay there."

I execute.

"First, do you know why you are here and do you understand me? "

I nod yes.

"Good.  Do you have something to say first?  Excuses don't work on me and if your are sad, keep your tears for the judge!."

"Here is my go-pro.  All has been recorded."

After a viewing of the video, the inspector says:

At least it proves you saved the 6 peoples and the others were lost.  You are not culprit for the crash.

But you are a hero and a cannibal.

So sorry to say, the Cannibal rest.

Now I need explanations.   The girl was still living when you ingested her.

So by the law you made a crime for eating alive a person.

If she was dead, the crime would have been lesser.  You know you risk the death punishment?

So I hear you.  As you are a member of the air force, you are to be facing a military court where such crimes are the capital punishment.

me: "She was dying, the bottom missing, she was lost.  So I absorbed her so when she is reborn she keeps her mind, memory and personality.  She will remind of her family."

Parish :"This is gross.  The US law don't make difference between body and mind or soul. You have killed her body so you killed Savannah.   For me also we are made of meat and when the meat dies you dies.  The law is the same.  Even if you remake a body for Savannah, for the law it is the same as make a doll of your victims saying there are here in a new body.  You are crazy and out of mind Darann.  I truly think the beast has completely or near taken over your mind.  You have the body of a beast and now the mind of a beast is taking place.

I think the judge will sentence to asylum caged  in a zoo with therapist with a safety of 30 years.  I will not ask capital punishment because of miracles and the heroic facts you have done and also as you are becoming less and less responsible. And if you are still alive, 30 years are nothing before your lifetime.

Anything to say more?"

me : "I've some secrets I cannot divulge, so do as you want, I don't care.  I 'm sorry for the victims and you should look for the real culprit who has destroyed the plane. "

Parish: "now my job is done and you'll face the justice who will take care of you.  May god have pity of you.

You are grounded on the base and an submarine hangar will be your cell, where you'll  wait for your judgement at the martial court.

So after I was led to a abandoned  hangar just big enough so I can extend wings and turn on myself.  There were the water line who served for my release.  Also I was chained and muzzled.

Anti-tank mines were the other side the jail bars to prevent me from escaping.

I had some advocates and all my friends and fans were a long lost souvenir.

To resume the judgment :

"Due to heroic facts and probably your mind being eaten by yours beast instincts , We find hardly remains of humanity in you. 

What is keeping you on the human side is the fact you feel remorse's and plaid GUILTY. 

So you are spared from the capital punishment and you'll be send to a penitentiary prison in Texas where you'll purge a punishment of 30 years.  You'll have to work to redeem you.

If you want to loose humanity and being a beast, we release you from the charges but I sure a bunch of crazy hunters want body parts as trophy of you there.

So I was chained and towed to a train wagon to the Texas jail.

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