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Dominic was currently in the studio. i'm now sat with adam and mikey. adam was next to me and mikey was sat the ground in front of us.

"Annie said you were really pretty" i heard adam speak up and i look over at him. Annie seems to be his girlfriend that i didn't know about.

"who's annie?" adams eyes widen a little.

"you mean i have told you about her??" he excitingly speaks at me. i can hear mikey groan.

"you fooked up lexie"

"she's literally the most beautiful girl i've ever seen in my life! the way she sleeps with her mouth open, drinks from the side of her mouth. her hair smells so nice and i'm so lucky to have her!" i smile at him and he continues to ramble on about her.

"can i see a picture of her?" i ask and adam shows me pictures of her. my eyes nearly pop out of my head. she's insanely beautiful.

"you're kidding me! she did not say i was pretty, she's the most gorgeous human i've seen!" i'm so surprised that such a gorgeous creature said so.

"i promise she did, "alex is way prettier than me and i'm quite jealous of her. dominic is lucky to date her"

"adam, dominic and i aren't dating." he scoffs at me.

"whatever you have going on, quit it. you both like eachother just date." i laugh a little at his bitterness.

"i completely agree with adam. he talks about you all the time and he looks at you like you're the best thing ever to happen to him." adam crosses his arms and looks at me with the 'told you so' look. i roll my eyes in denial.

my phone dings but before i can check and see what kind of notification i got, a question was asked that made me choke on my coffee as i was drinking it.

"do you like dom? are you in love with him??"

adams question nearly killed me. as i was coughing and dying, dominic walks in on adam and mikey laughing at me. he chuckles a little bit.

"what's going on?" as he asks, he sits on me. i struggle and try and push him off while adam starts talking.

"talking about how much Lexie loves you." he oh so causally says as he stares at me with enjoyment. dom gets up and picks me up and sits back down so he's the one on the bottom. i put my feet on adam.

"is that true, love?" dominic stares at me with a little smile. my eyes are wide, not knowing what to say. deny it?

"of course not, i don't love you." dominic's smile falls a little bit as he searches in my eyes. i start to panic.

"we were talking about annie!" is the first thing that came out of me. mikey and adam look at their phones. i see adam peer at me in the corner of his eye. dominic pushes me up a little.

"uh, i need to go to the restroom." i get off of him completely. he gets up and walks out. i sit back down and stare at my hands. i hear a scoff.

"go after him ya twat" mikey peers at me. i hesitate but i get up. i walk out of the room. immediately noticing the back door closing. i walk over and push out the door, i look over and see dominic lighting a cig. he looks up at me, taking a long inhale. i smile a little at him and walk over and stand next to him.

"anything wrong?" i furrowed my eyebrows and looked up at dominic. he looks blank. almost sad?

"i didn't mean it like that." while blowing out smoke, dominic keeps on staring at me.

"mean what exactly? elaborate please." i huff at him.

"i didn't mean to put out that i didn't love you. adam asked me if i liked you and if i was in love with you." i play with my fingers as i speak. waiting for an answer as he continues to smoke.

"well, do you? like me?" he quietly asked me, almost as if you was scare for the honest answer.



"i like you a fucking lot. it's almost unhealthy. you're all i want, harrison." i say. he smiles at me. stomping on his cig, he speaks up.

"i like you a fucking lot too, love. you're incredible. you take up my mind. all i want to do is be with you." i look up at him. he's of course already smiling at me.

"do you forgive me?" i hopefully ask him. he nods his head and pulls me in for a hug. i look up, noticing dominic already staring down at me. he leans down hesitating to do whatever he wanted. his eyes flicker to my lips and he starts to move down more as i try and lean into him. as i felt his breath on my lips, before anything could happen, the back door swung open. dominic huffs our and closes his eyes and pulls away from me. my hopes of actually kissing dominic were ruined. (ha)

"were you two making out of something??" mikey asks up look at our blushing faces.

"yeah it looks like you're 6 and got caught in a lie." adam joins in. dominic just stares at them like their idiots.

"no, to be truthful. i haven't even kissed her yet, you two knobs had to interrupt." clearly frustrated, dominic says. adam laughs at his friends temper. mikey smiles in innocence. i just look down.

"well, we're done for the day. you can go home, lex or you can come join us at our hotel." suggest mikey. i pondering on a thought and before thinking it through i offer.

"come stay at my house!" the boys look at me weird.

"i have no one, sam left. i have an extra bedroom and a couch bed. it's cheaper than the hotel, i won't even charge! stay as long as you want." they look at eachother.

"can alex come?" i nod my head. mikey jumps up and down.

"this is gonna be so fun, let's go tell alex." he grabs adam and runs inside real quick. i'm left with dominic. he pulls me into his side.

"we'll continue our chat later." my eyes widen. at least this time i can prepare myself for something.


sorry for late upload, family issues have started up right after i posted my A/N.

oou what you think about this chapter??

22 days till i meet my bestfriends ):< i cant wait to meet ian, gavin and aaron.

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