Chapter 11

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After the coffee shop, we decided to go to the amusement park.

"Yumi! Let's go to the ferris wheel!" Jungkook yelled as he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the ferris wheel.

"Wait here. I'm going to get us something." Jungkook was about to leave but I grabbed his forearm.

"Wait. Don't leave." I pleaded him which made him smile.

"Don't worry. I'll be back." He kissed my forehead and left me, sitting alone on the seat.


"Ladies and Gentlemen. The ride is about to start. Please fasten your seat belts." I look around to see if Jungkook was coming but nobody showed up.

Then the doors started to close.

I started to panic as the cart started to move up and up.

'Calm down, Yumi. Breathe. Breathe. Nothing is going to happen.'

Then all of a sudden, the cart came to a sudden stop.

'Oh, Come on! Really?!'

"Ladies and gentlemen. There has been a major difficulty to the ride. Don't panic. I repeat. Do not panic. Help is on the way." The lady on the intercom said.

Just then, the cart began to shake. I started to scream as I put my knees to my chest and hold my ears.

I closed my eyes and waited for the horror to end.


I was coming out of the restroom when there was a big loud crash.

Yumi. I ran to the ferris wheel and found out that one of the carts were out of place.

I ran to the person controlling the ferris wheel and knocked on the window.

"Excuse me but will you tell me who is in that cart?" I asked, panicking hoping hat the person in that cart wasn't Yumi.

"Ummm. Let me check." The lady started to talk in the microphone when she stops talking into it.

"She says her name is Yumi. I think."

"May I speak to her, please?" I ask the lady as she nods her head and tells the controls.

"Yumi! Yumi! Are you there? Are you okay?" I ask on the microphone, waiting for her answer.

"Jungkook? I'm here. I.... I'm scared." She replied with her voice shaky.

"Yumi. I know your scared. Tell me what's wrong." I said as I talked through the mic.

"I'm scared of heights and now the cart is about to fall. I don't know what to do......" She started to panic as I rubbed the back of my neck.

I then hear another crash from the cart.

"Yumi. Listen to me. Help is on the way. What I need you to do is breathe and don't think about anything. Can you do that for me?" I tried to comfort her as I wait for her answer.

"I can try." I sighed in relief as the police and the ambulance came.

I ran out of the control box and told the police what's happening.

Just then, the cart starts to rock back and forth.

"We need someone up there, now!" One of the policemen yelled.

"Let me go with you! That's my girlfriend up there!" I yelled as I was being pulled back.

The policemen nodded as I followed the other police officers up the ferris wheel.

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