Chapter 25

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"What is it?" He asks as he puts his hands in his pockets.

"You have to move in with the members." I told, crossing my arms.

"What? If I did that, Jin will be pissed."

"Don't worry. I'll talk to him." I told him as I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Wait. What about you? Aren't you moving in?" he asks with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm moving in with Jungkook in his room." I told him as he nodded his head in understanding.

"Well. We got to go. You ready?" He asked as he gave me his arm for me to take.

I took his arm as he led me to the two big doors in front of me.

"Ready?" He ask as i took a deep breath and did a nod.

Just then, the two big doors opened as everybody's gaze turned towards me.

I take a big gulp as Yoongi and I start to walk down the aisle.

When we reach the end, Yoongi takes his seat as I face Jungkook with his hands on mine.


"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The pastor said as Jungkook touched my neck and brought me close as we kissed soft and long, cheers erupting the whole church.

I put my arm around Jungkook as he led me down the aisle, flowers been thrown above us.

I was then lead to a lamborghini parked outside of the church.

"Don't worry. That's not mine. That's Yoongi's. He let me borrow it as long as it doesn't have any scratches on it when we get back." Jungkook said as he just whispered in my ear, which made me giggle.

We then had to say the our farewells to the people who attended our wedding.

"Annyeong!" Everybody said as I waved to the people who were waving at us as I sat in the passenger seat.

"Ready?" Jungkook asked as I nodded and rolled up my window.

"So. Where are we going?" I ask, which makes him smile.

"It's a surprise." He said as he gripped the wheel and looked ahead.

We then headed to his dorm and went towards his room.

"Grab your suitcase and start to pack." he told me as he went to the bathroom to shower.

I did what I was told and started to pack.


Jungkook got our bags and put them in the trunk as I got in the passenger seat.

We then arrived at the airport where Jungkook got our tickets as I wait in the waiting area for our flight to be called.

"Jungkook. Where are we going?" I ask as I started to get impatient.

"Don't worry. Calm down. It's a surprise. You'll see when we get there." he said as he took my hand in his.

We got on our flight and got in our assigned seats.

"Now can you PLEASE tell me where we are going?" I ask him with puppy dog eyes.

"Nope." he told me popping the 'p' as he gave me a smile.

"Fine. Whatever." I crossed my arms and looked towards the other way, ignoring him.

"Jagi. Are you seriously ignoring me?" he asked which made me look the other way more, not answering his question.

"Come on. Not one word?" I look at him for one second and averted my gaze the other way.

"Fine. If it means for you to talk to me, fine." I look at Jungkook to see him rubbing his neck.

"It was supposed to be a surprise but telling you won't hurt." He turned towards me and gripped my hands in his.

"If I tell you. Pease don't get mad." he told me which made me think twice.

"We are going to Jeju Island......." he said, gritting his teeth.

"What!? I can't go back there! Didn't you forget about what happened there?!" I yelled which he covered my mouth from gaining attention from other people.


"How do you think Yumi will react when she's going to the house where her parents were murdered?" the members asked Mark who is thinking about the question.

"She probably won't forgive him for what happened there." Mark told them as he shrugged his shoulders.

"What did happened there?" Yoongi asked as the other members agreed.

"Well...... It all happened when I was 9 years old and Yumi was only 7........."


"I told you! I never cheated on you! Why do you keep assuming I did!?" their father yelled at the mother as she just shook her head.

Mark started to comfort Yumi from the yelling of their parents coming from downstairs.

Mark grabbed Yumi's hand as he takes her downstairs.

"Mom. Dad? Is it okay if I bring Yumi to the park?" Mark asked them, still holding hands with Yumi.

"Go ahead but be back before 10." Mark nodded as he led Yumi to the park.

"Hey, Mark? Do you think mom and dad are going to be separated?" Yumi asked as Mark pushed her on the swing.

Mark stopped in his tracks and thought about her question before continuing.

"Of course not. Mom and dad are going to be fine." he continued to push her on the swing until 10.

Mark led Yumi back home when they heard yelling and glass breaking. Mark held Yumi close as he led her to where the sound was coming from.

When they entered the room, both of their parents were laying on the floor, blood flowing from their bodies.

Yumi screamed in horror as Mark started to chase after the man but never caught him because the man was already out the door.

Mark went back to Yumi and tried his best to comfort her in his arms.

The police came in and started to ask Mark some questions about what happened while the ambulance came and took the dead bodies away.


"Wait. If both of your parents were murdered, how did you guys even separate?" Jhope asked, trying to understand the story.

"Yeah. Weren't you guys supposed to be together?" Jackson asked, the others nodding to his understanding.

"Will you guys just let me finish the story?" I told them, annoyed from them asking questions.


After their parents were murdered, Mark and Yumi were sent to live with their moms' sister.

But Mark has to move because he auditioned as a music artist for a group and got accepted, leaving Yumi to live with her mom's sister until she graduated high school.


"Oh! So that's the story! It all makes sense now!" Yugyeom exclaimed, rubbing his temples.

"Now. Let's eat. I'm hungry." Jin said, getting up from his seat and walking into the kitchen.

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