Chapter 20

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"So. Are you just going to sit there and not tell me about what happened to Yumi? Or are you actually going to explain?" he asked as he kept on looking forward with one hand on the wheel.

I told him the full story and came to a full stop.

"He what!?"


I sat up on the couch as Jinyoung decided to call someone.

I see his mouth moving as he gives me glances.

He then hung up the phone and shoved it in his pocket.

"Who was that?"

"That was Mark. He's on his way." Jinyoung said, mentioning to the members and I.

"And Jungkook..... He knows what really happened at the dorm. He's coming to apologize." Jaebum said, as I just smirked.

"I don't want to talk to him. I'm done."


Jungkook and Mark walked up to the front door, opening to see Yumi looking around the room like she just woke up.

"Yumi! Are you okay?" Mark asked as he ran up to hug her.

"Im alright, Mark. Really." She replied before looking behind him, meeting Jungkook's gaze.

"What are you doing here? I have nothing to say to you." She asked Jungkook as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I need to talk to you." he said as he looked down, not meeting her gaze.

"Well, I have nothing to say to you."

"Look. I know your mad......" He said as he looked at her.

"Mad? I'm far from mad. You wouldn't even believe me and now your coming here to apologize? You even ended it between us and now you think that I'm just going to forgive you? Get out." She said, not looking at his face.

"I get it. I'll leave but I'll wait for you. I'm leaving for Tour tomorrow and I just wanted you to know that I'm very sorry. I really am. I just hope you'll forgive me." Jungkook said as he reached in his pocket and took out a photograph of him and Yumi, smiling happily.

"Here. I want you to have this before I leave for my Tour." He handed her the photograph and walked out of the apartment before she could say anything.

Yumi's heart sank as she took a glance at the photo. It was a picture of her and Jungkook smiling as he was kissing her on the cheek.

Tears start to flow down her cheek as she held the photo to her chest.

"Yumi. Are you alright?" Mark asked as he puts a hand on her shoulder to reassure her.

"Im fine." she said, wiping her tears from her eyes.


I walked out of the apartment, tears going down my face.


I quickly wiped my tears and took my phone out of my pocket.


"Jungkook? Where are you? We are about to leave on tour in an hour!" yelled Jin as I took a big sigh.

"Im coming. I just had some business to take care of." I told him looking at Yumi's dorm.

"Well, you better hurry." I hung up the phone and put it back in my pocket.

I took one last look at Yumi's dorm before walking away to get ready for tour.

I then get another notification as I took my phone out. It was from Mark.

'Yumi said that you guys can still be friends.'

I smiled at the text and replied.

'She can't just tell me that herself?'


'She said forget about it.'

'No. No! I'm just joking. Of course, I'll be friends with her. Can she at least text me now and than so I know she's okay?'


I put my phone in my pocket and smiled as I walked to my dorm.


"So, Yumi? What are you going to do now that he's gone?" Mark asked Yumi, earning looks from the members.

"I don't know. Probably finish high school and get a job?" she replied as the members nodded their heads slowly like they understood.

"Besides, he's not going to be gone forever." she shrugged her shoulders and went upstairs to bed.


"Jungkook. Where were you?" Jimin asked with his luggage in his hands.

"I was at Yumi's place." Jungkook told them which shocked them.

"Don't worry. We decided to become friends." they all sighed in relief as they all drove to the airport.

"I know you still like her." Tae whispered in his ear as he went in the car.

Jungkook shook the thought out of his head and put his luggage in the back of the trunk.

They all drove to the airport in silence and got their plane tickets.


He checked his phone and saw that someone texted him.

"Have a nice flight! See you in 1 month!" he smiled at the text when his phone got taken away.

"Jungkook! Who is this?" Tae asked as he looked at the text.

"No one. Just a friend." Jungkook replied as he tried to take his phone back.

"Uh huh. Sure...." he smiled playfully and nudged Jungkook's shoulder.

"Alright, alright

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"Alright, alright. I'll stop. Jeez." Tae said as he puts his hands up in surrender.

Jungkook got his phone back and replied to the text.

"I'll be waiting." he clicked send and got on the plane.

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