Chapter 2

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The Joker sat in a booth of his own with Harley Quinn sat across his lap. Harry was staring at him and looking at the side of his face. He had a sort of dreamy look on his face while he was chewing some gum. His elbow rested on the back of the booth while his eyes ran over the gelled back green hair, the bleached skin, the red lips and his high cheekbones, Harry loved all of it.

The music played loudly through the speakers but in their area, the songs didn't make too much noise.

When The Joker looked at Harry, he immediately smiled widely. "Why don't you dance for me?" he whispered into his ear. Harry giggled before slipping off his lap, this was one of his favourite things to do. He stepped up onto the sofa opposite them before slowly walking onto the table. He made sure to sway his ass while he moved.

"What do you want Daddy?" he asked while he went down into a deep pliè on the table in front of him seductively.

"Harley...I want you to do your worst," The Joker grinned before biting the air with his grillz.

He smirked before letting out a menacing laugh. Harry had a golden bodysuit on and had black see-through tights to match. He also had a black and red striped jacket over his body and black boots on his feet. The gold seemed to sparkle in the light and it made him look ethereal.

As asked for, he danced for The Joker. It wasn't very private as a lot of onlookers watched him flaunt his body to him. Harry sensually swung his hips, the light helping his movements look beautiful. Some men and women looked at them with envy but soon forgot it when the Joker glared at them.

"Boss," one of his henchmen said. The Joker ignored him, and Harry carried on dancing as he ran his hands over his body. "Boss-"

"-Can't you see I'm busy," he said with a brooding smile on his face. The Joker hated it whenever someone interrupted him, especially if he was with his Harley.

Harry giggled as he twirled one of his fingers in his pigtails, slowly coming to a halt. He hugged his body close to the pole as he watched their exchange.

The henchman flickered his gaze between the two of them before speaking. "Someone is here to see you."

Harry gasped. "Who is it, Daddy?"

"You'll see Harley; you'll see."

"Bye Bye," he grinned and waved when he watched him walk away.

"Come here, Harley," The Joker asked, beckoning him with his hand.

Harry instantly climbed down from the table, wanting to be closer to him. That led him to straddle his waist.

"You're so beautiful Pumpkin," he said, his eyes running over Harry's pale face.

"Am I Mr J?" he whispered when The Joker thumbed over the side of his mouth. His small voice making him seem almost childlike.

"You are Pooh," The Joker replied before aggressively kissing Harry on the lips. Harry moaned when he tightly gripped his jaw. His hands gripped the lapels of The Joker's jacket, anchoring himself to his body. He heard someone stop just by their booth, but he carried on kissing him. The Joker's eyes opened, and they focused on the intruder. Harry gasped out a breath when they let go, and soon they were both laughing in their vicinity. "Baby looks like someone wants to interrupt us."

"Oh no, why would they do that?" he pouted.

"I think it's 'cause they want to die," The Joker whispered in his ear and soon Harry was giggling into his chest.

"Can I do this one today Daddy?" he asked, twisting his mouth as he waited for an answer. His look of innocence would make anyone think twice about what he had done to people.

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