Chapter 14

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"Harley, my dear Harley" the Joker sighed when he ran a hand over his pale cheek. Harry was sat on his lap; his body pressed as close as physically possibly to his lover. A hand was tightly wrapped around his waist and gently rubbed over his stomach.

"Yes Daddy?" he grinned, looking up at him with real heart eyes.

The Joker smirked. "Can I ask you something?"

"What is it? You can ask me anything," Harry whispered.

"Will you marry me?"

Harry gasped, and Niall perked up from beside him. The decision wasn't hard for Harry, after being away from him for some time it made him realise how much he loved him.


"-Harley No!"

The Joker growled low in his throat when Niall intervened.

"What?" Harry said, his voice wavering a bit.

"Harley no! You can't! You shouldn't!"

"Why not?" he pouted, his bottom lip quivering at the comment.

"Harley come here," he sighed, and Harry frowned harder as he got off of the Joker's lap.

"What is wrong?" Harry asked once he had wobblily walked towards Niall. The aircraft made it a bit difficult for him to walk straight but he got there eventually.

"You can't marry him, do you not remember when he fucking beat you up and left you in the park, and you still want to go to him?" Niall whispered harshly.

"You don't know him as I do, I love him Blondie, and he loves me, he said it Ni" he pleaded. He hoped that Niall would at least understand him.

"And what about the abuse? Are you going to let him carry on beating the shit out of you?"

Harry sighed. "He doesn't do anything like that anymore, he promised me."

"Promised you what Harry? That he would stop hurting you and do you believe that or are you so oblivious to his antics that you can't notice how poorly he treats you. He manipulates you, and you let him do this to you!"

"But there is good in him Ivy!" he exclaimed. "Look I know you love me and that you want to be in a relationship with me-"


"-But I have the Joker now, and I love him, and I want to marry him, and you can't stop me!" Harry pouted.

Niall looked at the Joker who had a smirk on his face. "Look, I like you as a friend Harry. I'm only looking out for you, alright?"

"And I thank you massively," he grinned before pecking his forehead. "But I can fight on my own."

Niall sighed before sitting back in his place, shaking his head to himself.

"Harley? Do you accept my offer?" the Joker grinned.

"Yes!" he yelled before straddling his lap. "I love you Joker, and I love you, Louis," he muttered over his lips then surged their lips together.

The Joker smirked into the kiss, and Harry smiled back as they slowly began to kiss each other. He ran a hand through Harry's loose curls, gently tugging on the strands. Their kiss turned heated, not caring that Niall was still there. The Joker ran a hand down to the curve of his bum, Harry giggling once he gently massaged the muscle in his hands.

"Oh my God," Niall muttered, rolling his eyes as he turned his head away.

"After all these years you better have come with a ring," he mumbled and the Joker tensed, which Harry didn't notice.

"What do you take me for Harley? Of course, I got you a rin,g" he smirked then kissed his neck.

"Well, where is it?"

"It's on me, but I want to do it when we land, a bit strange to do it up here."

"Okay," Harry grinned before starting to kiss him again.

"Will you dance with me, Harley?"

Harry gasped when he looked up at the Joker who had a smirk on his face. "Okay, can I get changed, though, you look handsome in your suit," he smiled widely.

"Go on sweets,"

Harry bit his lip as he ran off towards their bedroom. The Joker waited as he turned to face the wall and switched off the lights, leaving a giant spotlight in the centre of the room. He smirked when he looked around the room and headed for the stereo in the corner.

"Daddy, I'm ready" he heard Harry say flirtatiously after a minute, and he played the song he had chosen, knowing Harry would like it.

The Joker grinned before turning around and facing Harry. He couldn't see him that well, so he headed for the spotlight and held out a hand. ' started playing throughout the room. He saw Harry walk closer to him and immediately he smirked at his outfit.

"Do you like my outfit Mr J?"

His eyes ran over his body, admiring his curves and the bodysuit that fitted him perfectly. His black and red jester costume looked fantastic on his body. The lycra showing off all of his body looked beautiful on him. His black and red jester hat fitted his head well, and the white collar around his neck made him perfect,

"The real Harlequin" he smirked.

Harry grinned back before taking his hand in his and letting himself be pulled into Louis. His hand tightly gripped Louis' as his wrapped around his waist. He smiled widely, his teeth showing as they began to waltz around the room with him. Their bodies were in tune with the music and each other. Harry was looking up at him with heart eyes, and The Joker's intense gaze would never leave him.


"Yes, Daddy?"

"You look so good in this suit of yours Pumpkin."

Harry giggled. "Well you looked so handsome in yours, I had to look good in mine."

"You always look good" he smirked as he twirled him around. He pulled his back against his chest, and Harry sighed before bringing his right arm up behind him. Louis smirked down at him, his hands gently rubbing over his hips.

Harry was soon grinning again when he leant in for a kiss. He happily sighed when Louis leant in to kiss him and instantly locked their lips together.

He turned around so he could kiss him better and wrapped his arms around his shoulders. Louis smirked when Harry moaned quietly into his mouth, his hand slipping down to his ass. Harry yelped when he gripped his ass tightly, but he just ignored it.

"I think you should wear this more often" Louis muttered.

"Hmm...I think I might" he grinned.

"Good" he replied.

He smiled before resting his head against his chest. They gently swayed each other, and he let himself be led by Louis. He loved this side of him when he cared for him and made him feel happy about being with him. He wanted this to last forever.

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