Chapter 7

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He only had one mission, and maybe it would be his last but he didn't care. Maybe he did feel a little nervous but he just covered it up with a smile. His heeled boots clacked down the hallway as he made his way to meet his Lover. With confident steps, he walked towards their front door. The two guards stood by the door hesitantly looked at each other. Harry waited outside of their apartment but they stopped him from passing.

"Why aren't you letting me through?" he smiled sweetly, and the two guards gulped nervously. Harry blinked as he waited for them to do something. "So?"

One of them finally decided to be brave and speak. "Boss says not to let you in."

Harry giggled and the two guards felt uncomfortable. "He's so funny isn't he," he sighed before glaring at the both of them with his hands on his hips. "Well unless you want a bullet in the side of both of your heads, then I recommend that you step away and let me through."

They both looked at each other before stepping apart.

Harry knocked on the door patiently and waited for Louis to open the door. The gun in his inside pocket felt heavy as he heard his footsteps come closer to the door. He couldn't wait to see him and possibly put a bullet in his head. Once opened Harry smiled sweetly as The Joker looked at him with a smirk. "Harley! My Princess."

"Hello puddin'," he grinned once he was let in. Their apartment hadn't changed but he could still see a little blood on the carpet. The table was replaced but everything else was the same. It unnerved him a little being in the room, however, he soon got over it. The door closed behind him, and he waited for The Joker to pass him before he pulled his gun out and pressed it to the back of his head. "How are you doin' Mr J?"

He snickered once he noticed the gun in Harry's hand. "Is this how it's going to be Harley?"

"Keep on walkin'" he muttered as he pushed the gun further into the back of his head. His head dipped a little before a smirk overtook his face. Harry watched as he walked forward, but he stayed where he was as Harry waited for The Joker to do as he said. "Turn around puddin'."

"Are you going to kill me, Harley?" he asked while turning around to stare at him, that usual playful look on his face.

"What do you think? I hold a gun to your head because I like it? Because it's a kink for me? You are ridiculous sometimes," Harry spat as he rolled his eyes.

The Joker smirked. "I love your humour sometimes; maybe I should call you The Joker instead."

"Stop with your bullshit. I can't take it anymore."

"What do you mean?" The Joker said, feigning confusion.

"You hit me and treat me like your fucking slave, I'm not your bitch," he said before cocking the gun. He wondered if what he said would have any effect on him but it probably wouldn't. They had been in this position before many times and it always seemed to end the same. The Joker seemed to always know how to get under his skin and he had finally had enough.

"You're not a slave to me Harley, you are my love," The Joker spoke, a sly smile on his face.

Harry rolled his eyes. "If I was then you would treat me better."

The Joker took a step forward, and Harry shot a bullet towards the side of his head, a hole appearing on the wall. Harry grinned before letting out a laugh when he heard the doors open behind him. Harry knew the guards were in the room, but he just stared at The Joker. Neither of them had flinched but The Joker simply smirked at his move.

"You two can go, I have it under control," he heard no movement and The Joker growled. "GO!" They instantly walked away, and Harry smiled when the door closed. "You can't kill me, Harley, you love me too much don't you," the smile immediately wiped off his face. "We were meant to be together forever right?" he whispered as he slowly walked towards him. "I love you, Harley, I love you, Harry, I thought you loved me too?" Harry's face contorted into sadness as The Joker stood in front of the gun, it getting pressed to his forehead. Harry whimpered when the Joker stared directly into his eyes and reached a hand out to his shoulder. His dangerous blue eyes stared into his fiery green ones. It was intense as The Joker carefully pushed the gun away from his forehead and stepped closer again. He pressed his body against Harry's chest, thumbing over the side of his hip.

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