Chapter 6

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Harry was smiling to himself, his head swaying from side to side while he held the ice pack to his head. He stared out of the window and looked at the passing building's while they drove to the sound of the radio playing.

"Harry, you've not changed at all."

Harry shrugged. "Good."

"To be honest, I didn't think you would still be with The Joker," Zayn sighed then stopped at a red light.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked as he turned his head to look at him. He had never heard that one before.

"I dunno, I just thought that one of you would have left the other," Harry didn't notice the extra 'or killed each other' at the end of his sentence.

"That would be harder, but I guess you don't have to worry about that anymore," he pouted as he looked at the outfit he still wore from when they were at the club.

"What?" he frowned and drove again when the lights turned green.

"I'm gonna kill him," Harry smiled proudly.

"What?!" Zayn gasped, but he had this weird smile on his face. "No way! That's crazy."

"Yeah," he agreed.

"Yo! Do you need help?"


"I have some guns in the back if you need one 'cause I can give you one," Zayn explained as he shrugged to the back.

"Do you want him dead?" Harry frowned.

"No, I quite like him, but I want to help you."

"Oh," Harry smiled before he went back to swaying his body from side to side.

"What happened to your face?" he asked as he took a right turn. "Wait, was it The Joker?"

"How does everyone know?!" Harry huffed as he threw his hands up.

"Rumours happen, and people notice things, maybe you're just not careful."

"Do you want to know what happened?" Zayn nodded. "It was because of Batman. Apparently, I was meant to kill him, but I didn't know that so he decides to fucking hit me."

He frowned. "Wow, what a dick."

"I know right," Harry scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "I think my nose might be broken as well. I mean, how was I supposed to know?!"

"So you're gonna kill him for it?" He hummed. "You two have a very weird dynamic."

Harry nodded as he lifted his legs onto the dashboard. "As much as I would like to watch I have somewhere to be. Another job has come in for me."

"Still assassinating people?"

"Yup! Whatever brings in the money."

"I like your drive DeadShot; we must hang out again babe." Harry grinned happily as he looked at him, patting him on the shoulder.

"That'd be great."

"Well, if I'm alive after today," Harry sighed.

"You must always have optimism Harley; you'll be fine."

"I'll tell you about it all afterwards," he giggled.

"Okay, Love."

Harry smiled before turning to look out of the window. "Do you have any gum?"

"Yeah, uh in the glove compartment."

"Thanks" he grinned before taking one strip out of the packet and stuffing it into his mouth.

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