Chapter 18

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A/N: Matue Scene

"I do," Louis said with a smile. Harry grinned back.

"And do you, Harry Edward Styles, take The Joker to be your husband?"

"I do" Harry smiled.

"Now that you have formalised the existence of the bond between you with words spoken and the giving and receiving of rings. It is my pleasure to pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss your groom!"

Harry grinned when he was pulled into a kiss. Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' shoulders, and Louis held his waist close to his body. Louis smirked as he slipped his tongue into Harry's mouth. Harry moaned while he kissed back and slid a hand into his hair. After a few more seconds they pulled away, and there was a string of saliva still connecting their lips.

"I'm taking you straight to the bedroom after all of this" Louis growled into his ear.

He smirked back at him. "Okay puddin', whatever you want."

They walked down the aisle together with the claps and cheers of the guests. Harry waved at the small group of people, blowing a kiss at some of them. He was pulled into a kiss one more time.

Their guests came up to them, congratulating them and patting them on the back.

"Thank you everyone" Harry smiled.

Harry turned his head to the side while Louis was talking to someone. He squinted his eyes, seeing the familiar suit of Batman. He smiled and waved over at him. Harry saluted back to him, and he smirked before turning to Louis.

They had a lovely reception that lasted for hours and even though it was small they still enjoyed it. They got to see the beautiful blue sea of the Bahamas, and they danced over the soft sand. He happily grinned when everything was over. Everyone had left by now, and they were left to sit on the beach. They watched the water rush up the beach before sinking back down. The sun had almost set, and the sky was covered in a different array of purples, yellows, and oranges.

"Harley." The Joker smiled.

"Huh?" Harry whispered, looking at him with wide eyes.

"Thank you for sticking with me. I've treated you like shit most of the time, but you still come back. I know I might not say it often, but I need you."

"Okay," he grinned.

"I want to keep you" he mumbled as he grabbed his hand and kissed the back.

"Alright then, you can keep me for as long as you want."

"I want to keep you forever."

Harry smiled to himself. "Hey, what happened to you taking me to the bedroom? Do you not want that anymore?"

"Oh, I want that" Louis smirked before sweeping Harry up off of the ground.

"Do your worst Joker. I want you to wreck me tonight" he giggled.

Louis hurried them to his room and Harry grinned while he kept on nibbling at his neck. He quickly unlocked the hotel door and once inside, he threw Harry on the bed.

Harry had already managed to slip his belt off before kicking off his shoes. Louis had already shrugged off his jacket, and Harry grinned when he climbed over him. He was pulled into a kiss, and he began to undo Louis' waistcoat.

"Turn over Harley"

"Okay puddin'" he whispered, obeying his command.

He felt his zip getting pulled undone and he sighed. He slowly shuffled out of his big dress, and he was left only in his panties, gloves, and tights.

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