Chapter 12

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A/N: Yikes, I really forgot to update.

Harry gasped when he woke up. His eyes flickered open, staring at the ceiling for a few moments. He raised his hands, his eyes widening when he saw the cuffs around his wrist. He was shocked by the cold floor and quickly sat up. Harry groaned as he shook his hair out before looking at where he was.

"W-Where am I?" he muttered.

"Prison Harley," He jumped when he heard Niall's voice beside him and quickly shuffled away from him, hiding in the corner. "It's only me H."

He looked at him with wide eyes and groaned when he looked at the cage they were in at the moment.


"I don't know where he is Harley" he sighed.

Harry whined before pressing his head between his hands. Harry was missing him already. He heard Niall sigh as he patted his shoulder.

"How long have we been here for?"

"Only about a day and a half."

"I was out for that long?"

"Yes, H."

"Oh," he sighed.

It was quiet from then, Harry deciding to keep to himself while Niall stared at the wall. Harry bit his lip as he thought about The Joker, he hoped he wasn't dead because he didn't know what he would do without him. He gasped when he heard the sound of heavy footsteps. Harry's head raised from his hands and looked up to see who it was. A group of armed policemen came into the large concrete room. He pushed himself against the cage, keeping as far away from them as possible.

"Hello Harley, welcome back," one of the officers smirked. Harry bared his teeth at him and growled lowly when he recognised the familiar face. "No need to bite hotness, we're just bringing you and your friend some food.

"Go away; I'm not hungry."

"Hey, I don't think you want a repeat of last time where you ended up having to get force fed."

"I don't care; force feed me all you want."

"Oh and where's your little Joker huh."

"Shut up; he'll come for me eventually."

"Yeah of course" he smirked. "He won't be able to save you. I heard that his aircraft crashed into a building Harley, so when will he be coming for you."

"Harley, it's alright," Niall sighed as Harry growled, his hands clenching into fists.

"No, it isn't," he pouted. "He's always been this fucking douchebag."

"Come and show me how much of a douchebag I am Harley, get over here" he muttered and whispered something to his walkie-talkie.

Harry screamed as he ran towards him and gripped tightly at the bars, trying to claw his face off. "One day, I will kill you with my bare hands, and it'll be really, really torturous!"

"Yeah sure, Harley."

He screamed again before an electric volt was sent through his body.

"Harley," Niall gasped, reaching a hand out for his body watching as Harry collapsed onto the floor, his body spasming out of control.


The Joker saw Harley talking to someone, a man precisely and he hated it. His glare hardened, and he cursed under his breath before getting up and heading his way.

"Hey! We're not finished!" one of his clients said.

"I don't care" he answered before going towards Harry.

He walked through the crowd, everyone quickly making a path for him and the people looked at him with suspicious eyes.

The man who was talking to him connected eyes with him, and immediately his face paled. He quickly bid goodbye to him, and he saw the frown on Harry's face. He turned around and saw The Joker, a smile spreading across his face.

"Hi puddin'" he grinned before pecking his lips. He frowned when the Joker didn't do anything back. "Daddy, what's wrong?"

"We're going home, Harley."

"But we just got here" he pouted.

"So? We're going back."

Harry gasped when he was pulled harshly by the wrist. He shouted a 'bye' to everyone before they were taken out of the club. His body hit a few others but he didn't bother to apologise. The Joker led them to the car, Harry trailing behind him. He quickly got in the passenger seat and watched as he stormed around the front of the car.

The car drive home was silent, and neither of them wanted to interrupt the silence. Within ten minutes, they were back, and Harry was a bit scared at this point. He was dragged up to their apartment, and he whimpered when he was pushed through the door.

"Harley, what is wrong with you?" The Joker muttered.

"What did I do wrong?" he asked, taking a step closer to him.

"You think it's alright to flirt with other people, in front of me?"

"I wasn't flirting puddin'" Harry pleaded, and he was immediately slapped across the face.

"Don't lie to me" he growled. Harry was still in shock from what The Joker did to him and Harry couldn't look at him. "Look at me!" he exclaimed as he gripped his cheeks tightly.

"Daddy, I'm sorry!" he cried.

"Don't go against me Harley; you should know that by now."

"I'm sorry! I swear I didn't do anything," Harry gasped as he wrapped a hand around his throat.

"I swear if you do this again, I will make sure you are never able to," he muttered before throwing him to the ground. Harry stared at the floor, trying to catch his breath before he was turned onto his side. "Sometimes people just need reminding what is right and what is wrong." The Joker had sighed before he kicked him in the stomach.

Harry repeatedly coughed as he lay on the floor. He felt tears come to his eyes, and he didn't want to be seen as weak in front of him. He rolled onto his stomach, trying to get up but the pain in his stomach was too much.

He heard The Joker's footsteps walk away from him. He was a little relieved that he had gone, Harry didn't think he would have been able to handle another beating. He rose his right hand up and grabbed hold of the nearest sofa.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, but there was no one to hear him.

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