"Where is he?"

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"A house" I say confused and surprised because I wasn't expecting it at all. I thought it would be some top secret gang stuff that he was working on.

"Yes a house" He smiles.

"Why are you buying a house I think we already have enough of those" I sigh sitting down the folder and giving him my foll attention.

"Well because" He sighs. "I figured a bigger house would give everyone their own space and less time to annoy us" He smirks.

"Why would we be annoyed by the kids...their kids I don't see what we could be doing that is so important that we can't get interrupted" I sigh.

"Well last time I check you said you wanted a baby" He sighs.

"but i don't see why we need a bigger place to do that I think maybe we could expand on this one and besides...If I were to have a baby their is enough room because of the nursery" I sigh.

"We still have that" Drew says surprised.

"yes...are you trying to tell me you forgot all about the nursery that's right next to our room" I say amused and surprised.

"No" He says trying to act like he didn't forget but I saw right through it.

"um mm...hum" I say amused.

"Yeah okay I forgot but I guess that means I can throw this away" He sighs motioning to the folder. 

I figured maybe this would be a good time to tell him until what happened next. 

"Drew the baby isn't yours" Alex says happily walking in the office door before stopping once he saw me. "Well good your here too" He smiles.

"yeah It my house too I don't just randomly come over like a stranger everyday" I say sarcastically. 

"Sometimes you do in fact I didn't even know you were going to be home today or maybe that was Kara who said something about work" He sighs thinking about it. 

"It was most definitely Kara" I say honestly. 

"Any-who" Alex sighs. 

"First off how do you know it's not Drew's" I sigh. 

"Because Liam is a genius" Alex says dramatically. 

"Even I know that" I say raising an eyebrow to tell him to get to the point. 

"Well to get to the point he took a blood test and did some science stuff and you are welcome" Alex sighs sitting a folder on the desk. "See for yourself" He sighs. After looking at the folder and the information I guess Drew was right after all. 

"I knew it" Drew sighs sitting back in the chair with me still in his lap. 

"Well she doesn't have a place to go so I don't think you should just kick her out on the streets if she is having a baby" Alex says seriously. 

"He's right about that one"I sigh looking at Drew. 

"Fine" He sighs thinking it over. "She can stay but she has to get a job and get her life together because I think it would be weird to house a pregnant woman when I'm married" He sighs. 

"All for it" I sigh standing up. "Now that you have nothing important to do we have to handle some stuff" I say honestly. 

"What kind of stuff" He says confused. 

"You forgot about the party were going to today" I say surprised. 

"Party does this have something to do with your new friend Olivia" He sighs. 

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