Author's Message:
The way this is going to be set up is by "episodes", or arcs, I think is a better word for it. Every part will be labeled by season#.arc#.part#. So the second part of the third story of the seventh season would be labeled 7.3.2. I hope that makes sense. You'll see what I mean once this gets going.
This takes place after the events of Season 6 of The Clone Wars. This whole project will be narrated in the third person unless I specify otherwise. I hope you will like this!
If you like Star Wars, but have never watched the Clone Wars,
1. Go do it. Now. It's awesome
2. Here's a little background information:
Ahsoka Tano is the Padawan of Anakin Skywalker. She is a Togruta with orange skin and white markings and blue and white montrals. At the age of 16, she is accused of bombing the Jedi Temple and is expelled from the Jedi Order. Anakin proves that it was actually a close friend of Ahsoka's, Barriss Offee, but she refuses the Council's offer to rejoin the Order and leaves despite the pleas of her master to stay (it's really emotional, go YouTube it).
If you want me to summarize anything else along the way, leave a comment and I'll reply sooner or later, but if I try to explain the whole premise of the Clone Wars, we'll be here all night.
If you would rather just skip to the story, start at 7.1.1. The 4.x.x chapters are short stories that enhance this series
Lots of love! <3
An edited version of this story is available on Archive Of Our Own, under the same username, or you can copy and paste the link I've provided in the comments.
Blurred Sides (COMPLETE)
ActionAnakin Skywalker could never forget his apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, but the Jedi Order will waste no time mourning the loss of the ex-padawan. With a new enemy threatening the well-being of Coruscant, the Council forces the Chosen One to push aside his...